Agenda and minutes
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Contact: Kelly Kellaway, Democratic Services Manager Email:
No. | Item |
Chair's Announcements: Minutes: At the start of the meeting, the Chair of the Authority thanked everyone for attending and welcomed any members of the press or public who were observing the proceedings.
The Chair of the Authority asked all present to join him in a few minutes of reflection for those who have tragically lost their lives; and those working on the front line in essential public services, for putting the safety of the public first, taking daily risks and continuing to support our communities.
He placed on record his thanks on behalf of the Authority, to all MFRA staff working through this crisis, at the centre of the National effort, continuing to make the Authority proud and keeping the communities of Merseyside safe.
The Chair of the Authority commented that the danger of fire is ever present, as demonstrated by the major fire in St. Helens the previous day; and is no respecter of the other pressures on MFRA at this current time.
The Chair of the Authority then introduced the meeting and provided all present with an overview of how this remote meeting would work and some housekeeping.
A roll call was then taken of all Members present, to confirm that they could hear and be heard; and that they could see and be seen.
Preliminary Matters The Authority is requested to consider the identification of:
a) declarations of interest by individual Members in relation to any item of business on the Agenda
b) any additional items of business which the Chair has determined should be considered as matters of urgency; and
c) items of business which may require the exclusion of the press and public during consideration thereof because of the possibility of the disclosure of exempt information.
Minutes: The Authority considered the identification of any declarations of interest, matters of urgency or items that would require the exclusion of the press and public due to the disclosure of exempt information.
Resolved that:
a) no declarations of interest were made by individual Members in relation to any item of business on the Agenda
b) no additional items of business were determined by the Chair to be considered as matters of urgency; and
c) no items of business required the exclusion of the press and public during consideration thereof because of the possibility of the disclosure of exempt information.
Minutes of the Previous Meeting PDF 189 KB The Minutes of the previous meeting of the Budget Authority, held on 27th February 2020, are submitted for approval as a correct record and for signature by the Chair. Minutes: The Minutes of the previous meeting of the authority, held on 27th February 2020 were approved as a correct record and for signature by the Chair.
Amendments to Standing Orders - Remote Meetings PDF 74 KB To consider Report CFO/022/20 of the Acting Monitoring Officer, concerning the Amendments to Standing Orders attached as Appendix A, which have been drafted in response to The Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local MFRA Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020, which provide for remote meetings of local authorities.
Additional documents: Minutes: Members considered Report CFO/022/20 of the Acting Monitoring Officer, concerning proposed Amendments to Standing Orders attached as Appendix A, which have been drafted in response to The Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020, which provide for remote meetings of local authorities.
Members were provided with an overview of the report, which highlighted the introduction of the new Regulations which came into force on 4th April 2020, enabling local authorities to hold meetings remotely. Members were advised that the Regulations apply to any meetings held before 7th May 2021; and are applicable to Merseyside Fire & Rescue Authority. Members were informed that this means that Members are not required to be in the same physical location; and will be determined as being in attendance at a meeting held remotely, in a virtual location, so long as, as a minimum, they can hear and can be heard.
Members were advised that the Regulations provide flexibility for the Authority regarding altering the frequency of meetings, or moving and cancelling meetings without the requirement for further notice, which may also have an impact for the AGM, which may be held at a later date, or rolled over to next year.
Members were informed that the Regulations automatically override any existing procedures or Standing Orders within the Constitution. However, it is considered good practice, for Standing Orders to be amended to reflect the impact of the new Regulations, with the amended Standing Orders attached at Appendix A.
It was highlighted to Members that the amended Standing Orders reference were meetings can be held, including remotely, how meetings remain quorate, how voting will be conducted, as well as dealing with declarations of interest; and how the public can attend and participate.
The Chair of the Authority commented that the 11th June 2020, was being held as a potential date for an AGM; and that dependent on decisions within the District Councils, there may be consultation with the political groups as to whether an AGM would be required, or whether the status quo would be maintained, with appointments being rolled over into 2020/21.
Members Resolved that:
(a) The implications of the The Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020, be noted.
(b) The Amendments to Standing Orders and Procedure Rules contained within Appendix A, be approved.
Local Government Association Subscription 2020/21 PDF 86 KB To consider Report CFO/021/20 of the Acting Monitoring Officer, concerning Merseyside Fire & Rescue Authority’s continued membership of the Local Government Association (LGA) for 2020/21.
Additional documents: Minutes: Members considered Report CFO/021/20 of the Acting Monitoring Officer, concerning Merseyside Fire & Rescue Authority’s continued membership of the Local Government Association (LGA) for 2020/21.
The Chair of the Authority advised that Officers had circulated information to Members previously, regarding this, however the decision needs to be captured formally, hence this report.
Members were provided with an overview of the report, which confirmed that the Authority has been a long standing member of the LGA. Members were advised that correspondence had been received requesting continuation of membership for 2020/21, with a 2.5% loyalty discount applied and a further 2.5% discount offered for authorities opting to pay via direct debit, with a deadline of 24th April 2020. Members were advised that this is why the decision was made by the Chair of the Authority to continue with subscription, under the provision of Standing Orders within the Constitution. Members were made aware of the proposals, with a deadline provided for making any objections, with none being received.
The Letter at Appendix A, from the Chief Executive of the LGA to the Chief Fire Officer, was highlighted to Members, which details some of the substantial work that has already taken place to assist Fire and Rescue Services, as part of their subscription.
Comments were made by Members regarding excellent training events and the Equality and Diversity National Group through the LGA, which Members are keen to continue their involvement with, as the group are undertaking some fantastic work which MFRA will benefit from.
The Chair of the Authority stated that MFRA’s subscription to the LGA used to be the same as for every other Council, which was around £60k, but it has now been reduced significantly for FRA’s. He commented that there is still the Fire Commission and Fire Services Management Committee, and a lot of work has been undertaken through the LGA in relation to Grenfell and high rise buildings. He also made reference to all the support that they offer to Officers, including the NJC; and advised that this work is all funded by the subscription.
The Chair of the Authority advised that it had been suggested and agreed that the Authority’s membership of the LGA and other outside bodies, be referred to the Scrutiny Committee for consideration.
Members Resolved that:
a. The Authority’s continued membership of the LGA, for 2020/21, be noted;
b. The 2.5% loyalty discount is applied to all Fire and Rescue Authorities not on notice, be noted;
c. The decision for the Authority to be signed up to the LGA’s direct debit payment scheme for 2020/21, in order to receive an additional 2.5% discount, be noted.
d. The content of the report, be noted.
Service Delivery Plan 2020/21 PDF 86 KB To consider Report CFO/0015/20 of the Chief Fire Officer, concerning the Service Delivery Plan for 2020/21; including Station Plans.
Additional documents:
Minutes: Members considered Report CFO/015/20 of the Chief Fire Officer, concerning approval of the Service Delivery Plan 2020/21, including Station Plans.
Members were provided with an overview of the report, which highlighted that the Service Delivery Plan includes references to the IRMP action plan, Functional Plan, Station Plans, Equality Objectives and Performance Indicators.
Members were informed that this report utilises estimates in relation to year end performance against the benchmark performance indicators.
Members attention was drawn to the Station Plans, contained within the Service Delivery Plan, with it highlighted that this year is the first year that each station has been provided with a Community Impact fund of £1000, generated through the external utilisation of our stations by private partners; and some corporate sponsorship. Members were informed that the purpose of this fund is to enable staff to utilise it to assist in the delivery of their Station Plans, to better assist the communities they serve. However, it was noted that this has been restricted somewhat at present, due to Covid -19.
Members were advised that performance to date is very strong; and on target to achieve the targets set in all but a few areas.
Members were informed that it is looking likely that MFRA will miss the target set in relation to the number of RTC’s and the number of fatalities on the road. Members were advised that MFRA’s focus has been particularly on young drivers, between the ages of 16 to 25, were some of MFRA’s educational material has been really focused. However, the missing of the target relates to all RTC’s and fatalities on the road, which means that some of the impact is within MFRA’s gift to influence; and some of it less so. As such, Members were advised that for next year, they are likely to be asked to consider changed targets that will reflect the work which is being undertaken in that area.
Members were advised that another area were the target is likely to be missed, is in relation to sickness absence, which self-evidently includes data in relation to Covid-19. However, Members were reassured that based on most recent figures, it is likely that the target will only just be missed; and without the issues related to Covid-19, it is likely that the target would have been achieved.
Members were advised that the report also details the IRMP actions and Equality and Diversity Objectives and action taken; and concludes with the Service Delivery Plan and Station Plans, which are bespoke to each individual Station area, focusing on specific risks and vulnerabilities.
The Chair of the Authority commented on the quality of the documents and expressed thanks on behalf of the Authority, to everyone involved in the delivery of the plans.
Questions were raised by Members regarding the IRMP and whether anything had changed within the IRMP as a result of Covid-19 response, in particular around the tri-partite agreement and added work streams; and whether the usual negotiation processes had been followed. Members were ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |
CORPORATE RISK REGISTER 2019-20 OCT TO MAR UPDATE PDF 65 KB To consider Report CFO/019/20 of the Chief Fire Officer, concerning the current risks contained within the Corporate Risk Register, the status of the risks and associated control measures, including any updates for the period October to March 2020.
Additional documents: Minutes: Members considered Report CFO/019/20 of the Chief Fire Officer, concerning the current risks contained within the Corporate Risk Register, the status of the risks and associated control measures, including any updates for the period October to March 2020.
Members were provided with an overview of the report, which highlighted a number of key points.
They were informed that the previous risk which referenced the build of the new station at Saughall Massie, has now been removed as that build is now complete and the Station is operational. Members were advised that the new station has been well received by not only operational staff based at the station, but also by the community of Saughall Massie.
Members were advised that a new risk has been added around the potential implications of the McCloud pension’s judgement, which may result in a financial risk to the Authority.
Members were also advised that there are a number of risks identified more broadly, which have been updated and refreshed with specific reference to Covid-19.
A question was raised by Members regarding the only risk contained within the register, which has remained red following mitigation, which is around the impact of Brexit on the procurement of supplies; and whether any information could be provided around the national discussion and whether any assurances had been provided by Government around the provision of supplies once we do leave the EU.
Members were advised that it is an ongoing challenge. They were advised that over the last 12 weeks, during the Covid-19 pandemic, we have been required to secure a significant amount of PPE, not only for Merseyside, but for the rest of the UK FRS. Members were advised that that demand has actually changed over the last few weeks, as some of the PPE obtained has not been utilised, but some of the tasks that FRS’s have been undertaking, have required us to look at PPE a little differently.
Members were informed that MFRA have been working significantly with Kent FRS and the Procurement Hub, which have opened up additional supply chains. The Chief Fire Officer assured Members that he was confident that MFRA would continue to be able to secure all of the kit, equipment and PPE in regards to additional supply chains and working collaboratively as a sector, albeit there are still likely to be challenges around the implications of Brexit. Members were advised that what those challenges may be, are not known at this time, however Members were reassured that the positive relationship developed with Kent and the Procurement Hub recently, will continue to be developed post Covid-19, to ensure that it is embedded across our work and practice; and we remain as resilient as possible.
A question was raised regarding the risk of training falling behind schedule; and how much more likely was this to happen in the current situation, should restrictions remain in place for a significant period of time. Members were advised that in the same vein that MFRA have chosen to ... view the full minutes text for item 6. |
HMICFRS Self AssessmentSelf-Assessment 2020 PDF 69 KB To consider Report CFO/014/20 of the Chief Fire Officer, concerning the content of the completed HMICFRS inspection self-assessment template for Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service (appendix 1). Additional documents: Minutes: Members considered Report CFO/014/20 of the Chief Fire Officer, concerning the content of the completed HMICFRS inspection self-assessment template for Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service (appendix 1).
Members were provided with an overview of the report, and it was highlighted that the self-assessment was completed earlier in the year as a pre-cursor to the intended inspection, prior to the cessation of the inspection programme due to Covid-19.
Members were informed that MFRA are yet to receive an indication as to if and when the inspections programme will recommence.
Members were advised of the intention to re-submit a revised self-assessment, which will include some additional information reflecting the past number of weeks.
Members were also informed that it has been indicated that future inspections may be thematic; and may focus on business continuity arrangements put in place by services, in response to Covid-19. Members were advised that if this was to be the case, MFRA is likely to be in a strong position, however it would result in a revised self-assessment being required.
The Chair of the Authority commented on the information contained within the self-assessment document, which clearly shows how MFRA has developed and moved forward since the last inspection, which is very positive.
Members Resolved that:
1. The 2020 HMICFRS inspection self-assessment prepared by the Chief Fire Officer and submitted to HMICFRS as part of round two of the inspection process, be noted.
2. It also be noted that the self-assessment was produced and submitted earlier in the year as a precursor to the Inspection of the Service and before the cessation of the Inspection process due to COVID19.
To consider Report CFO/016/20 of the Chief Fire Officer, concerning the newly developed People & Organisational Policies created to reflect changes in national legislation alongside delivery of the MFRA’s People Strategy.
Additional documents:
Minutes: Members considered Report CFO/016/20 of the Chief Fire Officer, concerning the newly developed People & Organisational Policies created to reflect changes in national legislation alongside delivery of the MFRA’s People Strategy.
Members were provided with an overview of the report, which highlighted some of the key aspects of the policies.
With regards to the overarching Wellbeing Policy, Members were informed that this outlines the Authority’s commitment to employee wellbeing, with regards to the mechanisms in place to enable our staff to work towards a healthy work life balance.
In relation to the Recruitment Policy, Members were advised that its sets out the Authority’s intent to recruit a diverse workforce, reflective of the community it serves. It was highlighted to Members, that the percentage of female fighters within MFRA, is the second highest of all FRS’s in the Country. Members were also informed that when you compare the number of BAME firefighters, as a proportion of the population, MFRA performs the best with regards to the diversity of BAME firefighters out of all the UK FRS’s. Members were advised that this information is based on the Inspection which was undertaken some time ago; and that when you compare the figures now, there have been increases, demonstrating that MFRA have not stood still and have continued to improve the diversity of the workforce, to reflect the community it serves.
Members were informed of the Promotions Policy, which sets out how we would promote; and the succession strategy.
The Bereavement Service Instruction was then highlighted to Members, which has been developed in response to statutory parental bereavement leave regulations, which moves MFRA to providing 2 weeks paid leave following the bereavement of a child under the age of 18. Members were also advised that Officers have sought to review existing bereavement leave arrangements; and propose as part of the new arrangements, to increase the amount of paid leave for staff who lose a close family member, from 3 days, to a full week, or full tour of duty. They were advised that these changes will bring the Authority in line with other organisations, but more importantly, will help to support our staff through challenging times.
A question was raised by Members in relation to the work around equality and diversity and a proposed visit from the Asian Fire & Rescue Association; and whether this would still take place given the current uncertainty. Members were advised that MFRA were due to host an Asian Fire & Rescue Association Conference; and that the Association have approached Officers to ask if this event could be put back. Members were assured that Officers are committed to that event taking place in Merseyside in the future.
The Chair of the Authority commented that Members have a legal responsibility to promote equality and diversity.
Members Resolved that:
a. The polices attached in Appendix A, B & C, be approved.
b. The Instruction at Appendix D, which includes a commitment to continue to pay an employee their normal salary rather than the statutory prescribed ... view the full minutes text for item 8. |
To consider Report CFO/023/20 of the Chief Fire Officer, concerning the progress of the Fire Safety Bill, its current objectives, and potential impact as it transitions into law; and the additional Government grant funding to be provided to Fire and Rescue Services to support Protection Work.
Additional documents:
Minutes: Members considered Report CFO/023/20 of the Chief Fire Officer, concerning the progress of the Fire Safety Bill, its current objectives, and potential impact as it transitions into law; and the additional Government grant funding to be provided to Fire and Rescue Services to support Protection Work. It was highlighted to Members that there has been a significant focus on Protection activity, following the Grenfell Tower incident in 2017. Members were advised that as a result of that incident, on 19th March 2020, the Government introduced the Fire Safety Bill, as part of the response and series of changes by Government to both fire safety and building safety, with further primary and secondary legislation to follow. Members were informed that the Fire Safety Bill amends the Regulatory Reform Order; and aims to deliver greater clarity over responsibility for fire safety in buildings containing more than one home. They were informed that the second reading of the Bill took place on 29th April 2020. Members were advised that the Fire Safety Order applies to all non-domestic premises, including communal areas in residential buildings with multiple homes; and the Fire Safety Order designates those in control of those premises as responsible for fire safety; and that they have a duty to manage that risk. Members were advised that that is enforced by the Fire Authority. Members were also informed that what was self-evident during the enquiry, was the lack of clarity within the existing Fire Safety Order over enforcement responsibility. They were advised that the Government undertook a call for evidence in 2019, that MFRA contributed to, to inform amendments to the Fire Safety Order, as required by the Fire Safety Bill. Members were advised that a second, Building Safety Bill, proposes a new and enhanced regulatory regime for building safety; and ensures residents have a stronger voice in that process. They were advised that that Bill has yet to be published, but will later on in the year. Members were also informed that the Government will establish a new national building safety regulator, within the HSE. They were informed that to enable that to take place; and to assist FRS’s financially due to additional burden, money was released to FRS’s, of which MFRA will receive just over £524k to support that work. They were advised however, that this grant will only be provided for 1 year; and it is focused in on the 11,000 premises that have been identified as being particularly at risk and vulnerable. Members were assured that this grant will be used effectively to support Protection activity. It was highlighted to Members that this focus on Protection activity is supported by the decision earlier in the year, to separate out Prevention and Protection; and introduce a designated Area Manager role, specifically to look at Protection, the implementation of the Dame Judith Hackett review recommendations; and our response to the Grenfell Tower incident. Members were also advised that MFRA will be pressing Government for the funding to be ... view the full minutes text for item 9. |
Implications of Covid19 on MFRA PDF 139 KB To consider Report CFO/023/20 of the Chief Fire Officer, concerning the actions taken by the Service in response to the COVID-19 (C19) pandemic and the actions taken in response to the pandemic from a national, regional and organisational perspective.
Members considered Report CFO/020/20 of the Chief Fire Officer, concerning an update on the actions taken by the Service in response to the COVID -19 (C19) pandemic. The report details the actions taken in response to the pandemic from a national, regional and organisational perspective.
Members were advised that this has been unprecedented, not just for the FRS, but for others, particularly health colleagues; and it was commented that we do not underestimate the challenges that have faced different countries, health professionals, those in social care; and across the partnership, which has been a real focus of the work that has been undertaken, to support them as best we are able.
Members were informed that some clear, strategic objectives were set at the outset, around ensuring that we maintained our operational response provision; and it remained resilient and effective throughout. Members were informed that this could have been impacted by a number of factors, particularly the loss of key staff due to the transition of the virus, which the organisation were keen to ensure did not occur.
Members were informed that the second objective, was around supporting the broader public sector response to the pandemic, particularly around supporting our local authorities, the NHS and Ambulance Trust, which we have done all of over the course of the past few weeks. Members were informed that we have also maintained the highest levels possible in terms of the health, safety and welfare of our staff, which has been a moving feat, as guidance and advice has changed over the course of the pandemic; and it was noted that this has been managed really effectively.
Members were informed that at a National level, the CFO was asked to be the Fire Gold Officer for the UK Fire and Rescue Service; and lead it through this period of pandemic, which has resulted in a number of actions which are captured within the report. However, it was stated that those actions, will not fully capture what it has been like for MFRA over the past few weeks.
Members were informed that early on, work was undertaken to identify MFRA staff, whose roles were “critical”, which has enabled continuity of service throughout.
Members were advised that MFRA have also supported the national application of PPE; and the requirements around Public Health England Guidance. They were advised that the CFO went on record early on, to state that the health and safety of MFRA staff would not be compromised; and that all staff would be provided with the necessary level of PPE to undertake the tasks that they were being asked to do. They were advised that whilst there have been some challenges elsewhere, MFRA have continued to maintain the levels of PPE required for the role, throughout.
Members were informed that the supply chains are open and supplies available; and that this has been achieved through the production of a national arrangement through a Procurement Hub, which goes beyond the FRS; and has been delivered by ... view the full minutes text for item 10. |