Agenda item
To consider Report CFO/019/20 of the Chief Fire Officer, concerning the current risks contained within the Corporate Risk Register, the status of the risks and associated control measures, including any updates for the period October to March 2020.
Members considered Report CFO/019/20 of the Chief Fire Officer, concerning the current risks contained within the Corporate Risk Register, the status of the risks and associated control measures, including any updates for the period October to March 2020.
Members were provided with an overview of the report, which highlighted a number of key points.
They were informed that the previous risk which referenced the build of the new station at Saughall Massie, has now been removed as that build is now complete and the Station is operational. Members were advised that the new station has been well received by not only operational staff based at the station, but also by the community of Saughall Massie.
Members were advised that a new risk has been added around the potential implications of the McCloud pension’s judgement, which may result in a financial risk to the Authority.
Members were also advised that there are a number of risks identified more broadly, which have been updated and refreshed with specific reference to Covid-19.
A question was raised by Members regarding the only risk contained within the register, which has remained red following mitigation, which is around the impact of Brexit on the procurement of supplies; and whether any information could be provided around the national discussion and whether any assurances had been provided by Government around the provision of supplies once we do leave the EU.
Members were advised that it is an ongoing challenge. They were advised that over the last 12 weeks, during the Covid-19 pandemic, we have been required to secure a significant amount of PPE, not only for Merseyside, but for the rest of the UK FRS. Members were advised that that demand has actually changed over the last few weeks, as some of the PPE obtained has not been utilised, but some of the tasks that FRS’s have been undertaking, have required us to look at PPE a little differently.
Members were informed that MFRA have been working significantly with Kent FRS and the Procurement Hub, which have opened up additional supply chains.
The Chief Fire Officer assured Members that he was confident that MFRA would continue to be able to secure all of the kit, equipment and PPE in regards to additional supply chains and working collaboratively as a sector, albeit there are still likely to be challenges around the implications of Brexit.
Members were advised that what those challenges may be, are not known at this time, however Members were reassured that the positive relationship developed with Kent and the Procurement Hub recently, will continue to be developed post Covid-19, to ensure that it is embedded across our work and practice; and we remain as resilient as possible.
A question was raised regarding the risk of training falling behind schedule; and how much more likely was this to happen in the current situation, should restrictions remain in place for a significant period of time. Members were advised that in the same vein that MFRA have chosen to continue with recruitment, albeit in a slightly different manner, but with the quality of input maintained, training has continued, with a focus on risk critical training. Members were advised that any training deemed as beneficial, rather than risk critical, has been postponed for the time being. They were also informed that greater use of technology, to deliver some training and input, has also been utilised more effectively.
Members were advised that a strategic decision was taken early on that the skills and competencies of firefighters should continue to be maintained, as it would be detrimental for the organisation, should a firefighter be injured as a result of competencies not being maintained.
Members Resolved that:
The updated Corporate Risk Register for 2019/20 which incorporates the current status of those risks to March 2020, be approved.
Supporting documents:
- Appendix 1 CORPORATE RISK REGISTER 2019-20 OCT TO MAR UPDATE, item 6. PDF 399 KB