Agenda item
Implications of Covid19 on MFRA
To consider Report CFO/023/20 of the Chief Fire Officer, concerning the actions taken by the Service in response to the COVID-19 (C19) pandemic and the actions taken in response to the pandemic from a national, regional and organisational perspective.
Members considered Report CFO/020/20 of the Chief Fire Officer, concerning an update on the actions taken by the Service in response to the COVID -19 (C19) pandemic. The report details the actions taken in response to the pandemic from a national, regional and organisational perspective.
Members were advised that this has been unprecedented, not just for the FRS, but for others, particularly health colleagues; and it was commented that we do not underestimate the challenges that have faced different countries, health professionals, those in social care; and across the partnership, which has been a real focus of the work that has been undertaken, to support them as best we are able.
Members were informed that some clear, strategic objectives were set at the outset, around ensuring that we maintained our operational response provision; and it remained resilient and effective throughout. Members were informed that this could have been impacted by a number of factors, particularly the loss of key staff due to the transition of the virus, which the organisation were keen to ensure did not occur.
Members were informed that the second objective, was around supporting the broader public sector response to the pandemic, particularly around supporting our local authorities, the NHS and Ambulance Trust, which we have done all of over the course of the past few weeks. Members were informed that we have also maintained the highest levels possible in terms of the health, safety and welfare of our staff, which has been a moving feat, as guidance and advice has changed over the course of the pandemic; and it was noted that this has been managed really effectively.
Members were informed that at a National level, the CFO was asked to be the Fire Gold Officer for the UK Fire and Rescue Service; and lead it through this period of pandemic, which has resulted in a number of actions which are captured within the report. However, it was stated that those actions, will not fully capture what it has been like for MFRA over the past few weeks.
Members were informed that early on, work was undertaken to identify MFRA staff, whose roles were “critical”, which has enabled continuity of service throughout.
Members were advised that MFRA have also supported the national application of PPE; and the requirements around Public Health England Guidance. They were advised that the CFO went on record early on, to state that the health and safety of MFRA staff would not be compromised; and that all staff would be provided with the necessary level of PPE to undertake the tasks that they were being asked to do. They were advised that whilst there have been some challenges elsewhere, MFRA have continued to maintain the levels of PPE required for the role, throughout.
Members were informed that the supply chains are open and supplies available; and that this has been achieved through the production of a national arrangement through a Procurement Hub, which goes beyond the FRS; and has been delivered by Kent FRS.
Members were informed that we have also, in discussions with Home Office and the Department for Health and Social Care, established that testing stations would be open to our staff, as critical key workers, which has enabled us to provide some reassurance to staff; and enabled us to get staff back into work quickly, to ensure that they are available to undertake their roles.
Members were advised that in addition to that, MFRA were able to make the case to secure a reasonable amount of funding to support the work that we are undertaking, which in the first instance, enabled us to purchase PPE that we did not have readily available.
A further area highlighted to Members, was around our involvement at a national level in detailed discussions with trade unions in relation to tri-partite agreements, resulting in the breadth of work now undertaken, being significantly wider than it was prior to Covid-19, in recognition of the global challenge that the pandemic has brought. They were informed that this goes back to the strategic decision around providing broader support to the public sector.
Members were advised that as Lead Authority for National Resilience, we have gathered in a significant amount of information, which has provided updates to the Minister, and provides them with reassurance around the arrangements in place.
In terms of Strategic Co-ordination, a list of actions within the report, were highlighted to Members, which shows the support that we have provided to the public sector and our health partners over the course of the last few weeks; and continue to do so.
The arrangements put in place around our own business continuity and staff, was then highlighted to Members, which links into the first strategic objective around maintaining operational response; and details what we have done, how we have done it; and how we have utilised technology to enable us to do so.
Members were also advised of the extensive communication in place, which has been consistent.
The financial implications were highlighted to Members, including the release of 2 tranches of Government funding, which on the first allocation, resulted in MFRA receiving £355k; and on the second allocation, £1,640,000, which has been utilised as detailed within the report.
The Chief Fire Officer concluded by stating that the Authority should be rightly proud of the staff within this organisation, which over the course of the past 12 weeks, have gone above and beyond at every level and in every part of the organisation.
The Chair of the Authority echoed the comments of the CFO; and expressed that he hopes the effort is reflected and recognised in the future.
Members expressed their thanks for the report; and to all staff for the fantastic efforts.
Comments were made regarding a sentence within the report around the predicted financial impact of Covid-19, which Members felt may be unhelpful; and it was requested that the report be amended and the sentence be removed.
It was confirmed to Members that the sentence would be removed from the report.
Members also thanked Officers for all the information that they had been provided with, as they felt that had been kept very well informed.
Further clarification was requested by Members around the statement regarding the removal of burdens during the period to allow services to focus on the support they are providing to the public. Members were provided with an example around the IRMP; and Members were informed that what has been agreed is that if services chose to extend their IRMP, then they can do so; and that actions can be carried over, without the expectation that those actions will have been delivered within the original specified timeframe.
Members were advised that other examples included the requirement to produce a Statement of Assurance; and around various Home Office returns, which they have agreed to pause at this current time.
Members also requested that some guidance be provided to them with regards to the weekly information they are provided with; and whether this information could be shared more widely with their political groups on their respective Councils; and where suitable, with community groups that Members may be involved with. It was also suggested that the weekly briefings could include some comments received from members of the public.
Members requested that the thanks of the Authority be taken back to all staff.
Members Resolved that:
a. The work that has been undertaken nationally in support of the fire & rescue service, be noted.
b. The work that has been undertaken locally through the Local Resilience Forum (LRF) and Strategic Coordinating Group (SCG) in order to support our communities, be noted.
c. The work that has been undertaken by the Service in order to maintain business continuity and protect our staff, be noted.
d. The financial implications related to C19, be noted.
e. The legal implications related to C19, be noted.
f. The final sentence within paragraph 61 of the report, be removed.
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