Agenda item
Fire Safety Bill
To consider Report CFO/023/20 of the Chief Fire Officer, concerning the progress of the Fire Safety Bill, its current objectives, and potential impact as it transitions into law; and the additional Government grant funding to be provided to Fire and Rescue Services to support Protection Work.
Members considered Report CFO/023/20 of the Chief Fire Officer, concerning the progress of the Fire Safety Bill, its current objectives, and potential impact as it transitions into law; and the additional Government grant funding to be provided to Fire and Rescue Services to support Protection Work.
It was highlighted to Members that there has been a significant focus on Protection activity, following the Grenfell Tower incident in 2017. Members were advised that as a result of that incident, on 19th March 2020, the Government introduced the Fire Safety Bill, as part of the response and series of changes by Government to both fire safety and building safety, with further primary and secondary legislation to follow.
Members were informed that the Fire Safety Bill amends the Regulatory Reform Order; and aims to deliver greater clarity over responsibility for fire safety in buildings containing more than one home.
They were informed that the second reading of the Bill took place on 29th April 2020.
Members were advised that the Fire Safety Order applies to all non-domestic premises, including communal areas in residential buildings with multiple homes; and the Fire Safety Order designates those in control of those premises as responsible for fire safety; and that they have a duty to manage that risk. Members were advised that that is enforced by the Fire Authority.
Members were also informed that what was self-evident during the enquiry, was the lack of clarity within the existing Fire Safety Order over enforcement responsibility. They were advised that the Government undertook a call for evidence in 2019, that MFRA contributed to, to inform amendments to the Fire Safety Order, as required by the Fire Safety Bill.
Members were advised that a second, Building Safety Bill, proposes a new and enhanced regulatory regime for building safety; and ensures residents have a stronger voice in that process. They were advised that that Bill has yet to be published, but will later on in the year.
Members were also informed that the Government will establish a new national building safety regulator, within the HSE. They were informed that to enable that to take place; and to assist FRS’s financially due to additional burden, money was released to FRS’s, of which MFRA will receive just over £524k to support that work. They were advised however, that this grant will only be provided for 1 year; and it is focused in on the 11,000 premises that have been identified as being particularly at risk and vulnerable. Members were assured that this grant will be used effectively to support Protection activity.
It was highlighted to Members that this focus on Protection activity is supported by the decision earlier in the year, to separate out Prevention and Protection; and introduce a designated Area Manager role, specifically to look at Protection, the implementation of the Dame Judith Hackett review recommendations; and our response to the Grenfell Tower incident.
Members were also advised that MFRA will be pressing Government for the funding to be continued.
Members commented that although they are pleased that the Bill has been introduced, they did not feel that there was much to the Bill, commenting that they would have liked to see a range of actual proposals within the Bill. They commented that there were a number of very simple proposals from the Grenfell inquiry that could have been included, but were not. It was suggested that these could be included within the second Building Safety Bill, however as the 2 are so intrinsically linked, Members would have liked to see them side by side.
Members also commented that this is an opportunity for the Authority to put forward recommendations; and make suggestions around what they would like to see introduced.
Members were assured that information has been provided to leaders within the region and local MP’s, with regards to what we feel are some key recommendations that should be taken forward.
Members Resolved that:
The content of the report be noted.
Supporting documents:
- Fire Safety Bill, item 9. PDF 71 KB
- Appendix 1: Fire Safety Bill, item 9. PDF 710 KB
- Appendix 2: Fire Safety Bill, item 9. PDF 31 KB
- Appendix 3: Fire Safety Bill, item 9. PDF 113 KB