Agenda and minutes
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CHAIR'S ANNOUNCEMENTS Minutes: At the start of the meeting, the Chair informed those present, that unfortunately, due to prior commitments, the two Members leaving the Authority – Cllr Linda Maloney and Cllr Veronica McNeill, were unable to attend. He advised that arrangements would be made to ensure that both councillors received their gifts from the Authority; and expressed thanks and appreciation to Cllrs Maloney and McNeill, for their services to Merseyside Fire & Rescue Authority.
The Chair then welcomed the two new Members – Cllr Lynn Clarke appointed by St. Helens Council; and Cllr Edna Finneran appointed by Knowsley Council.
Information regarding general housekeeping, was then provided by the Chair to all in attendance.
The Chair confirmed to all present that the proceedings of the meeting would be filmed and requested that any members of the public present who objected to being filmed, make themselves known.
No members of the public voiced any objection therefore the meeting was declared open and recording commenced
Preliminary Matters The Authority is requested to consider the identification of:
a) declarations of interest by individual Members in relation to any item of business on the Agenda
b) any additional items of business which the Chair has determined should be considered as matters of urgency; and
c) items of business which may require the exclusion of the press and public during consideration thereof because of the possibility of the disclosure of exempt information.
Minutes: The Authority considered the identification of any declarations of interest, matters of urgency or items that would require the exclusion of the press and public due to the disclosure of exempt information.
Resolved that:
a) no declarations of interest were made by individual Members in relation to any item of business on the Agenda
b) no additional items of business were determined by the Chair to be considered as matters of urgency; and
c) no items of business required the exclusion of the press and public during consideration thereof because of the possibility of the disclosure of exempt information.
Minutes of Previous Meeting PDF 42 KB The Minutes of the previous meeting of the Authority, held on 25th May 2017, are submitted for approval as a correct record and for signature by the Chair.
Minutes: Cllr Denise Allen commented that the Minutes of the previous meeting stated that she had submitted apologies, however she was actually in attendance. She therefore requested that the Minutes be amended to reflect her attendance.
With the inclusion of the slight amendment as above, the Minutes of the previous meeting of the Authority held on 25th May 2017, were approved as a correct record and signed accordingly by the Chair.
Election of Chairman To elect a Chairman of the Authority for 2017-18.
Minutes: The Clerk to the Authority requested nominations for the position of Chair of the Authority, for the Municipal Year 2017/18.
Cllr Dave Hanratty – Moved by Cllr Peter Brennan Seconded by Cllr Janet Grace
This nomination was unanimously agreed.
Resolved that:
Cllr Dave Hanratty be appointed as Chair of the Authority for 2017/18; and preside over the remainder of the meeting.
Election of Vice-Chairman To elect a Vice-Chairman of the Authority for 2017-18.
Minutes: Nominations for the position of Vice-Chair of the Authority for the Municipal Year 2017/18, were requested.
Cllr Les Byrom – Moved by Cllr Dave Hanratty Seconded by Cllr Joe De’Asha
This nomination was unanimously agreed.
Resolved that:
Cllr Les Byrom be appointed as Vice -Chair of the Authority for 2017/18.
Membership of the Authority 2017/18 PDF 34 KB To consider report CFO/030/17 of the Monitoring Officer, informing Members of the changes to the membership of the Authority for 2017/18.
Minutes: Members considered Report CFO/030/17 of the Monitoring Officer, concerning changes to the membership of the Authority for 2017/18.
Members resolved that: the content of the report be noted.
Structure of the Authority PDF 48 KB To consider report CFO/031/17 of the Monitoring Officer,
(a) informing Members of:-
(i) the minimum legal structure of the Authority (ii) the existing decision making structure of the Authority; and (iii) optional variations to the existing structure
(b) requesting that the Authority determines an appropriate decision making structure for 2017/18; and
(c) requesting that arrangements are made for the appointment of Committees, the nomination of Chairs, the determination of the powers and duties of Committees, the appointment of Members to Committees; and Lead Member and Ambassador Roles.
Additional documents:
Minutes: Members considered Report CFO/031/17 of the Monitoring Officer, concerning the minimum legal structure of the Authority, the decision making structure to be set for 2017/18, the appointment of Members to Committees, nomination of Chairs and determination of powers and duties of Committees; and the appointment of Members to Lead Member and Ambassador Roles.
Resolved that:
a) That the following Appointments, Committees and decision making structure of the Authority for 2017/18 be approved:
Chair of the Authority: Cllr Dave Hanratty Vice-Chair of Authority: Cllr Les Byrom
Labour: Group Leader: Cllr Dave Hanratty (Chair). Opposition Spokesperson:Cllr Lesley Rennie
Lead Members and Ambassador:
b) Should Members be unable to attend a meeting they are appointed to, they are to arrange for an appropriate Alternate Member to attend on their behalf, to ensure correct political balance; and inform Democratic Services of such representatives prior to the start of the relevant meeting.[SD1]
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Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority Constitution 2017/18 PDF 41 KB To consider report CFO/032/17 of the Monitoring Officer, requesting that Members approve the draft amended Constitution for Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority (the Authority) for 2017/18.
Additional documents: Minutes: Members considered Report CFO/032/17 of the Monitoring Officer, concerning the draft amended Constitution for Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority (the Authority) for 2017/18.
Members Resolved that;
a) The draft amended Constitution for 2017/18, be approved.
b) The Monitoring Officer to the Authority, be instructed to keep the Constitution under review.
c) In the light of any changes in legislation, the Monitoring Officer be instructed to bring a further report to the Authority in these circumstances.
Authority Meeting Dates For 2017/18 PDF 48 KB To consider report CFO/033/17 of the Monitoring Officer, requesting that Members confirm the draft dates for Authority Committee meetings and events for 2017/18. Additional documents: Minutes: Members considered Report CFO/033/17 of the Monitoring Officer, concerning the draft dates for Authority Committee meetings and events for 2017/18.
Members Resolved that:
The schedule of meeting dates and events for 2017/18 (attached at Appendix A and provisionally agreed at the AGM 14th June 2016), be confirmed.
Members Allowance Payments 2016/17 PDF 41 KB To consider report CFO/034/17 of the Monitoring Officer, advising the Authority of payments made to Members in the form of allowances, during the financial year 2016/17.
Additional documents: Minutes: Members considered Report CFO/034/17 of the Monitoring Officer, concerning payments made to Members in the form of allowances, during the financial year 2016/17.
Members Resolved that: the information contained within the report and at Appendix A, be noted.
Scheme of Allowances 2017/18 PDF 47 KB To consider report CFO/035/17 of the Monitoring Officer, requesting that the Authority reviews the current Scheme of Members’ Allowances; and makes recommendations over any changes it wishes to make to the Scheme. Additional documents:
Minutes: |
Questions On The Discharge Of Functions PDF 33 KB To consider report CFO/036/17 of the Monitoring Officer, requesting that the Authority nominates a Member from each of the five constituent District Councils as the Members responsible for answering questions in their Council on the discharge of the functions of the Authority.
Minutes: Members considered Report CFO/036/17 of the Monitoring Officer, requesting that the Authority nominates a Member from each of the five constituent District Councils as the Members responsible for answering questions in their Council on the discharge of the functions of the Authority.
Members Resolved that:
The following Members be appointed by the Authority as the Members responsible for answering questions within their Council on the discharge of the functions of Merseyside Fire & Rescue Authority:
Councillor - Council
Councillor Denise Allen - Knowsley Councillor Dave Hanratty - Liverpool Councillor Les Byrom - Sefton Councillor Joe De’Asha - St Helens Councillor Jean Stapleton - Wirral
Appointment Of Members To Outside Bodies PDF 42 KB To consider report CFO/037/17 of the Monitoring Officer, informing the Authority of the outside organisations to which it is currently affiliated; and to request where appropriate, confirmation of continuing affiliation for 2017/18 and the appointment of representatives to those organisations. Minutes: Members considered Report CFO/037/17 of the Monitoring Officer, informing the Authority of the outside organisations to which it is currently affiliated; and to request where appropriate, confirmation of continuing affiliation for 2017/18 and the appointment of representatives to those organisations.
Members Resolved that:
a) Continuation of affiliation with the following organisations; and the appointment of the following Members to those organisations, be approved:
b) Continued affiliation with Merseyside Brussels Office, be confirmed, with representation by an Officer rather than Member.
c) Continued affiliation with the Liverpool City Region LEP, be confirmed, with representation by an Officer rather than Member.
d) Cllr Paul Tweed continues to be the Member appointed to the Pensions Board.
Approved Conferences And Outside Meetings PDF 35 KB To consider report CFO/038/17 of the Monitoring Officer, requesting that Members confirm their approval for attendance at conferences and outside meetings by representatives of Merseyside Fire & Rescue Authority, to be determined by the Chair of the Authority. Minutes: Members considered Report CFO/038/17 of the Monitoring Officer, requesting that Members confirm their approval for attendance at conferences and outside meetings by representatives of Merseyside Fire & Rescue Authority, to be determined by the Chair of the Authority.
Members Resolved that:
Approval for attendance at conferences and outside meetings by representatives of Merseyside Fire & Rescue Authority, to be determined by the Chair of the Authority, be confirmed.
Meetings With National Politicians At Party Political Conferences PDF 32 KB To consider report CFO/039/17 of the Monitoring Officer, regarding the attendance of Members at meetings held at the location of party political conferences, in order to make Authority related representations in line with the Members Scheme of Allowances. Minutes: Members considered Report CFO/039/17 of the Monitoring Officer, regarding the attendance of Members at meetings held at the location of party political conferences, in order to make Authority related representations in line with the Members Scheme of Allowances.
Members Resolved that:
a) Appropriate representatives of the political groups of the Authority to attend meetings with Ministers, Opposition Spokespersons and other relevant national politicians, to be held at the location of their own party political conferences, to discuss issues relating to the business of the Authority, be approved.
b) Appropriate travel and subsistence expenses for such meetings , be approved, but no payment of conference fees be made:
c) Reports back to the Authority regarding issues raised and responses; and progress on information received, be submitted.
Proposed Reform of Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority PDF 47 KB To consider Report CFO/040/17 of the Chief Fire Officer, concerning proposals to reform Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority (MFRA) and undertake consultation with elected members of MFRA, the 4 District Council Leaders, the Mayor of Liverpool and the newly elected Metro Mayor of the Liverpool City Region.
Minutes: Members considered Report CFO/040/17 of the Chief Fire Officer, concerning proposals to reform Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority (MFRA) and undertake consultation with elected members of MFRA, the 4 District Council Leaders, the Mayor of Liverpool and the newly elected Metro Mayor of the Liverpool City Region.
Discussion took place around the report with some concerns raised by Councillor Lesley Rennie regarding the proposed number of meetings and the role of scrutiny within the reformed Authority; and the possible impact on accountability.
The Chair of the Authority confirmed that at this stage, the report was only requesting approval to establish a small working group to consider options; and highlighted the savings which could be achieved if the proposals within the report were adopted.
With regards to membership of the proposed working party, the Chair of the Authority suggested that it consist of four Members, comprising of the Chair, Vice-Chair, Cllr Stapleton and an Opposition Member.
The Chair commented that it was important that the working party examine proposals in details to ensure that the Authority make the right decision. He also suggested that the Authority write to the Police & Crime Commissioner, to formally invite them to become a Member of the reformed Authority, with full voting rights. The response to this invitation would also be considered by the working party.
The Chair of the Authority confirmed that the number of meetings stated within the report, were a minimum; and that the Special Responsibility Allowance payable to the reduced number of Members appointed to the reformed Authority, would also be considered by the working party, as there would be an expectation that those Members have an increased involvement.
Cllr Rennie commented that she would discuss membership with Cllr Welsh, although she would welcome the opportunity to be involved in the working party. If it was agreed that she be involved in the working party, she commented that she would approach it with an open mind.
Cllr Rennie requested that the Authority vote on the report recommendations, as she did not feel able to approve the report as it stood at present.
A vote then took place as follows:
For Against Abstain
15 1 Nil
Members therefore resolved that;
a) The reforms proposed to MFRA to take effect from the Annual meeting in June 2018 as outlined in paragraphs 4 to 18 of this report, be approved in principle.
b) The establishment of a small working group of Members and the Monitoring Officer to add further detail to the proposal to be presented to the Authority before December 2017, be approved.
c) Discussion of the principles of reform with the newly elected Metro Mayor and the Combined Authority of the Liverpool City Region (although these plans do not at this stage include the borough of Halton, be noted.
d) A letter be draft to Merseyside’s Police & Crime Commissioner, formally inviting them to become a voting Member of the reformed Authority, with the response being considered by the established working group.
The Supply of 2 Aerial Appliances PDF 68 KB To consider report CFO/041/17 of the Chief Fire Officer, informing the Authority of the proposal to procure 2 Aerial Appliances.
Minutes: Members considered Report CFO/041/17 of the Chief Fire Officer, concerning the proposal to procure two Aerial Appliances.
Members were provided with an overview of the report, which highlighted the capabilities and usages of the Aerial Appliances.
The Chief Fire Officer explained that the fleet of four Aerial Appliances have an asset life of 20 years, double that of a normal fire appliance, as they do not get used as frequently. However, two out of the four Aerial Appliances are now over 20 years old; and therefore require replacement.
Members were advised that a procurement exercise has been undertaken, but due to the overall expenditure, Authority approval is required for the purchase.
Members were also informed that by purchasing the two appliances at the same time, additional costs of around £17k could be avoided; and that through part-exchanging the appliances, income of around £33k would be realised.
The Chief Fire Officer also reassured Members that the appliances to be part-exchanged, would be stripped down and disposed of responsibly.
Members Resolved that:
The procurement of two Aerial Appliances under the vehicle asset refreshment programme, be approved.