Agenda and minutes
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No. | Item | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Chair's Announcements Prior to the start of the meeting, information regarding general housekeeping was provided by the Chair to all in attendance.
The Chair requested that any members of the press or public present, with the intention of recording proceedings of the meeting, make themselves known to the Chair.
The Chair confirmed to all present that Mr and Mrs Brace would be filming the proceedings.
The Chair of the Authority then declared the meeting open.
Ex Members
On behalf of the Authority, the Chair conveyed thanks and best wishes to the three Members leaving the Authority as a result of the local elections and Council Appointments.
Cllr Ted Grannell, who was not re-appointed to the Authority by Knowsley Council, was in attendance to receive a small gift in recognition of his service to the Authority.
Cllr John Joseph Kelly, who was not re-appointed to the Authority by Sefton Council, due to obtaining a Cabinet position, had sent his apologies as he was unable to attend the meeting; and requested that Cllr Byrom pass his gift on to him.
Tony Robertson, who lost his seat in the local elections, had also submitted his apologies for the meeting.
The Chair of the Authority presented Cllr Ted Grannell with his gift - acknowledging that Cllr Grannell had been the longest serving Member on the Authority and thanking him for being such a fantastic advocate of the Fire & Rescue Authority over the years. He also acknowledged the fantastic work undertaken by Cllr Grannell during his appointment to the Authority, particularly around emergency planning and the introduction of Home Fire Safety Checks.
Cllr Grannell accepted his award and thanked the Authority and Officers for their support. He expressed his satisfaction at being involved in ground breaking initiatives over the years; and expressed his support for the current Chair and Senior Officers.
New Members
The Chair then welcomed the three new Members appointed to the Authority for 2015/16 – Councillors Paul Tweed and Marianne Welsh, appointed by Sefton Borough Council; and Councillor Mike Kearns appointed by Knowsley Borough Council.
Cllrs Tweed and Welsh were in attendance at the meeting, Cllr Kearns was not present, due to the late notification of appointments by Knowsley Borough Council.
Preliminary Matters The Authority is requested to consider the identification of:
a) declarations of interest by individual Members in relation to any item of business on the Agenda
b) any additional items of business which the Chair has determined should be considered as matters of urgency; and
c) items of business which may require the exclusion of the press and public during consideration thereof because of the possibility of the disclosure of exempt information.
Minutes: The Authority considered the identification of any declarations of interest, matters of urgency or items that would require the exclusion of the press and public due to the disclosure of exempt information.
Resolved that:
a) no declarations of interest were made by individual Members in relation to any item of business on the Agenda
b) no additional items of business were determined by the Chair to be considered as matters of urgency; and
c) no items of business required the exclusion of the press and public during consideration thereof because of the possibility of the disclosure of exempt information.
Minutes of the Previous Meeting PDF 57 KB The Minutes of the previous meeting of the Authority, held on 28th May 2015, are submitted for approval as a correct record and for signature by the Chair. Minutes: The Minutes of the previous meeting of the Authority, held on 28th May 2015, were approved as a correct record and signed accordingly by the Chair.
Election of Chairman To elect a Chairman of the Authority for 2014/15. Minutes: Nominations for the position of Chair of the Authority were requested.
Cllr Dave Hanratty – Moved by Cllr Linda Maloney Seconded by Cllr Les Byrom
A vote then took place as follows:
For Against Abstain
15 Nil Nil
Resolved that:
Cllr Dave Hanratty be appointed as Chair of the Authority for 2015/16; and preside over the remainder of the meeting.
Election of Vice-Chairman To elect a Vice-Chairman of the Authority for 2014/15 Minutes: Nominations for Vice Chair position/s of the Authority were requested.
Councillor Linda Maloney - moved by Councillor Dave Hanratty, seconded by Councillor Sharon Sullivan
Councillor Les Byrom - moved by Councillor Dave Hanratty, seconded by Councillor Sharon Sullivan
A vote then took place as follows:
For Against Abstain
15 Nil Nil
Resolved that:
Both Councillor Linda Maloney and Councillor Les Byrom be re-appointed as Vice Chairs of the Authority for 2015/16.
Membership of the Authority 2015/16 PDF 35 KB To consider Report CFO/043/15 of the Monitoring Officer, concerning changes to the Membership of the Authority for 2015/16. Minutes: Members considered Report CFO/043/15 of the Monitoring Officer, concerning changes to the Membership of the Authority for 2015/16, noting the replacement of Tony Robertson (Sefton, Lib Dem), Cllr John Joseph Kelly (Sefton, Labour) and Cllr Ted Grannell (Knowsley, Labour) with Cllr Marianne Welsh (Sefton, Lib Dem), Cllr Paul Tweed (Sefton, Labour) and Cllr Mike Kearns (Knowsley, Labour).
The Authority for 2015/16 will comprise of 18 Elected Members, with the political makeup being; 16 Labour, 1 Conservative and 1 Liberal Democrat Member, appointed from the 5 District Councils as follows:
Liverpool Councillors Wirral Councillors Knowsley Councillors
Barbara Murray Denise Roberts Ray Halpin (Labour) (Labour) (Labour)
Dave Hanratty Jean Stapleton Mike Kearns (Labour) (Labour) (Labour)
James Roberts Lesley Rennie (Labour) (Conservative)
Peter Brennan Steve Niblock (Labour) (Labour)
Roy Gladden (Labour)
Sharon Sullivan (Labour)
Sefton Councillors St Helens Councillors
Les Byrom Linda Maloney (Labour) (Labour)
Jimmy Mahon Robbie Ayres (Labour) (Labour)
Paul Tweed (Labour)
Marianne Welsh (Liberal Democrat)
The Authority will also continue with the Appointment of Independent Person Anthony Boyle.
Resolved that:
The content of the report be noted.
Structure of the Authority PDF 49 KB To consider Report CFO/044/15 of the Monitoring Officer, concerning the structure of the Authority for 2015/16. Additional documents:
Minutes: Members considered report CFO/044/15 of the Monitoring Officer, regarding the minimum legal structure of the Authority, the decision making structure to be set for 2015/16, the appointment of Members to Committees, nomination of Chairs and determination of powers and duties of Committees; and the appointment of Members to Lead Member Roles.
Resolved that:
a) That the following Appointments, Committees and decision making structure of the Authority for 2015/16 be approved:
Chair of the Authority: Cllr Dave Hanratty Vice-Chair of Authority: Cllr Les Byrom Vice-Chair of Authority: Cllr Linda Maloney.
Labour: Group Leader: Cllr Dave Hanratty (Chair). Opposition Spokesperson:Cllr. Marianne Welsh
Lead Members:
(Special Responsibility Roles, who have a seat on Performance & Scrutiny Committee).
b) Should Members be unable to attend a meeting they are appointed to, they are to arrange for an appropriate Alternate Member to attend on their behalf, to ensure correct political balance; and inform Democratic Services of such representatives prior to the start of the relevant meeting.
c) The deletion of the Consultation & Negotiation Sub-Committee from the Authority’s decision making structure for 2015/16, be noted.
d) The creation of 2 new “Member Ambassador” Roles for ... view the full minutes text for item 6. |
Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority Constitution PDF 40 KB To consider Report CFO/045/15 of the Clerk to the Authority, concerning the Authority's Constitution for 2015/16. Additional documents: Minutes: Members considered Report CFO/045/15 of the Clerk to the Authority, concerning the draft amended Constitution for Merseyside Fire & Rescue Authority (the Authority) for 2015/16.
Members were provided with an overview of the significant changes made to the Constitution for 2015/16.
In relation to Part 3, which relates to the roles of Chairs and Members rights and duties, the functions of each Committee, the Scheme of Delegation; and the Terms of Reference for the proposed Committee Structure being brought into force, amendments were highlighted as follows:
· The removal of the Consultation & Negotiation Sub-Committee, due to the significant improvements in Industrial Relations. Quarterly reports will be submitted to the full Authority to ensure that Members are kept abreast of such matters. · The addition of two new Member Ambassador Roles, to take responsibility, with the relevant officer, for the promotion of Health & Wellbeing and Youth Engagement respectively. · Amendments made to the Scheme of Delegation to reflect the provisions of the Openness of Public Bodies Regulations 2014, in terms of recording of Authority Meetings and of publishing delegations from the Fire & Rescue Authority.
In addition, amendments to Contract Standing Orders have been made to reflect new procedures and European thresholds, as contained within the new Public Contracts Regulations 2014.
Members were also informed that the Member Officer Protocol had recently been reviewed by the Member Development Group, at their request; and Members were requested to familiarise themselves with the provisions within that document.
Resolved that:
a) The draft amended Constitution for 2015/16, be approved.
b) The Monitoring Officer to the Authority, be instructed to review the Constitution in the light of any changes in legislation; and to bring a further report to the Authority in these circumstances.
Authority Meeting Dates for 2015/16; And Draft Dates For 2016/17 PDF 49 KB To consider Report CFO/046/15 of the Monitoring Officer, concerning confirmation of the draft dates for Authority Committee meetings and events for 2015/16; and draft dates for Authority Committee meetings for 2016/17. Additional documents:
Minutes: Members considered Report CFO/046/15 of the Monitoring Officer, concerning the draft dates for Authority Committee Meetings and events for 2015/16; and draft dates for Authority Committee Meetings for 2016/17.
The Chair of the Authority requested that the Station Visits day scheduled for 15th October 2015, be changed to 13th October 2015, due to a clash with a meeting of the North West Fire & Rescue Forum.
The Chair also highlighted an additional Authority Meeting, called at his request, to follow the Strategy Day on 14th July 2015. The purpose of this meeting is to enable the Authority to consider the implications of the Emergency Budget.
In addition, the Chair stated that Learning Lunches will start at 12:15 and finish at 13:00, to enable Group Meetings to take place prior to the main Committees 11:45 to 12:15. He re-iterated that all Committee meetings will commence at 13:00 unless specified otherwise.
Resolved that:
a) With the inclusion of the amendments above, the Authority confirm approval of the schedule of meeting dates and events for 2015/16 (as attached at Appendix A and provisionally agreed at the AGM on 26th June 2014).
b) The schedule of meeting dates for 2016/17 (as attached at Appendix B), be approved as draft dates, to be ratified at the 2016 Annual General Meeting.
Members Allowance Payments 2014/15 PDF 37 KB To consider Report CFO/049/15 of the Monitoring Officer, concerning payments made to Members in the form of allowances during the financial year 2014/15. Additional documents: Minutes: Members considered Report CFO/049/15 of the Monitoring Officer, concerning payments made to Members in the form of allowances during the financial year 2014/15.
Cllr Rennie informed the Authority of a letter she had just received from Mr Brace concerning payments made to Members; and requested that Officers look into the points raised by Mr Brace and respond appropriately.
Resolved that:
a) The information contained within the report and at Appendix 1, be noted.
b) Officers be instructed to consider the points raised by Mr Brace in his correspondence; and respond appropriately in due course.
Scheme Of Members Allowances 2015/16 PDF 50 KB To consider Report CFO/050/15 of the Monitoring Officer, concerning a review of the current Scheme of Members Allowances and any changes the Authority wishes to make to the Scheme. Additional documents:
Minutes: Members considered Report CFO/050/15 of the Monitoring Officer, concerning a review of the current Scheme of Members Allowances; and the recommendation of any changes the Authority wish to make to the Scheme.
Resolved that
a) The Authority continues with its current Members’ Allowances Scheme for 2015/16.
b) The Authority’s intention to reject any pay increase, in line with Firefighters Pay award for 2014/15, which would have applied to the 2015/16 Allowances, as confirmed at the Authority’s AGM on 26th June 2014, be noted.
c) The Authority’s intention to reject any pay increase in line with Firefighters Pay award for 2015/16 (subject to National agreement), which would apply to the 2016/17 Allowances, be confirmed.
d) Continuation of the combined roles of Co-opted Member (appointed to Performance and Scrutiny Committee as a none voting Member), and Independent Person (to consider any complaints against Members, alleged to have breached the Members Code of Conduct), be approved.
e) The combined role above, continue to be undertaken by Mr Anthony Boyle as ‘Independent Person’, and payment for conducting such roles be paid following submission and verification of invoices, at a daily attendance rate of £50 (as and when required);
f) Given the current political balance of the Authority and in line with the Authority’s decision to reduce its Members Allowances Budget by 10% over four years from 2013/14, the payment of the Opposition Spokesperson Special Responsibility Allowance payment to only one Opposition Member, be approved.
g) the deletion of the Deputy Group Leaders Allowance from the Scheme of Members Allowances for 2015/16, be approved.
Questions on the Discharge of Functions PDF 32 KB To consider Report CFO/051/15 of the Monitoring Officer, concerning the nomination of a Member from each of the five constituent District Councils, as the Member responsible for answering questions within their Council on the discharge of the functions of the Authority. Minutes: Members considered Report CFO/051/15 of the Monitoring Officer, concerning nominations of a Member from each of the five constituent District Councils, as the Member responsible for answering questions in their Council on the discharge of functions of the Fire & Rescue Authority.
Resolved that:
The following Members be appointed by the Authority as the Members responsible for answering questions within their Council on the discharge of the functions of Merseyside Fire & Rescue Authority:
Councillor - Council Councillor Ray Halpin - Knowsley Councillor Dave Hanratty - Liverpool Councillor Les Byrom - Sefton Councillor Linda Maloney - St Helens Councillor Denise Roberts - Wirral
APPOINTMENT OF AUTHORITY MEMBERS TO OUTSIDE ORGANISATIONS PDF 42 KB To consider Report CFO/052/15 of the Monitoring Officer, concerning the Outside Bodies to which the Authority is currently affiliated; and to request where appropriate, confirmation of continued affiliation for 2015/16 and the appointment of representatives to those organisations. Minutes: Members considered Report CFO/052/15 of the Monitoring Officer, concerning the Outside Organisations to which the Authority is currently affiliated; and to request where appropriate, confirmation of continued affiliation for 2015/16 and the appointment of representatives to those organisations.
Cllr Rennie requested it be noted that she is appointed as a Trustee and Member of the Fire Support Network by private invitation; and is not appointed by the Authority.
Resolved that:
a) Continuation of affiliation with the following organisations; and the appointment of the following Members to those organisations, be approved:
Organisation Representative Member
Local Government Association Cllrs Dave Hanratty, Fire Services Commission & Les Byrom
North West Employers’ T.B.C Organisation
National Joint Council Cllr Dave Hanratty – Spokesperson on Employers Side of NJC for Local Authority Fire Brigades
North West Fire and Rescue Forum Cllrs Dave Hanratty, Linda Maloney, Les Byrom (observer) and Lesley Rennie
Fire Support Network Cllr Jean Stapleton
Toxteth FireFit Hub Cllr Jean Stapleton
Association of Metropolitan Cllrs Dave Hanratty & Linda Fire & Rescue Authorities Maloney
Merseyside Brussels Office Cllr Linda Maloney
b) The Authority cease its affiliation with Local Authorities Confronting Disaster and Emergencies (LACDE), as the Authority has had no involvement with this organisation for several years.
Approved Conferences And Outside Meetings PDF 32 KB To consider Report CFO/053/15 of the Monitoring Officer, concerning the list of approved conferences and outside meetings and any revisions to that list that the Authority wish to make. Additional documents: Minutes: Members considered Report CFO/053/15 of the Monitoring Officer, concerning the list of approved conferences and outside meetings and any revisions to the list that the Authority wish to make.
The Authority considered the list attached at Appendix A, noting that several of the conferences and outside meetings contained within it are no longer in existence.
Resolved that:
a) The list of approved conferences and outside meetings, attached at Appendix A, be removed.
b) Conferences and outside meetings be attended by representatives of Merseyside Fire & Rescue Authority, as approved by the Chair of the Authority.
MEETINGS WITH NATIONAL POLITICIANS AT PARTY POLITICAL CONFERENCES PDF 31 KB To consider Report CFO/054/15 of the Monitoring Officer, concerning the possible attendance of Members at meetings held at the location of Party Political Conferences, in order to make Authority related representations in line with the Members Scheme of Allowances. Minutes: Members considered Report CFO/054/15 of the Monitoring Officer, concerning the possible attendance of Members at meetings held at the location of party political conferences, in order to make Authority related representation in line with the Members Allowance Scheme.
Resolved that:
a. appropriate representatives of the political groups of the Authority be authorised to attend meetings with Ministers, Opposition Spokespersons and other relevant national politicians to be held at the location of their own party political conferences to discuss issues relating to the business of the Authority.
b. appropriate travel and subsistence expenses for such meetings be met but no payment of conference fees be made.
c. Members be requested to report back to the Authority regarding issues raised and responses; and progress on information received.
Updated Parental leave Service Instructions PDF 32 KB To consider Report CFO/055/15 of the Deputy Chief Fire Officer, concerning changes to the Service Instructions pertaining to parental leave, which have been amended to reflect amendments to Regulations in relation to the sharing of maternity and paternity leave. Additional documents:
Minutes: Members considered Report CFO/055/15 of the Deputy Chief Fire Officer, concerning changes to the service instructions pertaining to Parental Leave, which have been altered to reflect amendments to Regulations in relation to the sharing of maternity and paternity leave.
Resolved that:
The amendments made to the Service Instructions, attached to the report at Appendices A-D, be approved.
Management Review Outcomes PDF 48 KB To consider Report CFO/056/15 of the Chief Fire Officer, concerning the outcomes of the management review undertaken by the Chief Fire Officer, following on from the Authority budget resolution for 2015/16 and the request for voluntary severance from the Deputy Chief Executive. Additional documents: Minutes: Ian Cummins – Deputy Treasurer left the meeting during consideration of this item, due to being directly involved with the restructure.
Members considered Report CFO/056/15 of the Chief Fire Officer, concerning the outcomes of the Management Review undertaken by the Chief Fire Officer following on from the Authority budget resolution for 2015/16 and the request for voluntary severance from the Deputy Chief Executive (DCE).
Members were provided with an overview of the report and the rationale behind the significant changes proposed, highlighting the savings anticipated as a result of implementing the review.
In terms of resourcing partnerships, Members suggested that they could take up roles within some of the partnerships, to ensure that the Authority continues to be represented.
Members were informed that any additional support they are prepared to provide would be welcomed; and it is the intention that the newly created Ambassador Roles be involved in some of this work. Members were also reassured that District contacts will continue to be maintained.
Members acknowledged that the changes proposed will increase the demand on officers' time; and suggested monitoring the implementation of the review.
They also suggested that partnerships be prioritised in terms of the value they add to the Authority.
Resolved that
a) the management restructure proposed by the CFO and detailed within this report and specifically the assigning of the current Deputy Treasurer to the role of Treasurer (Section 151 Officer), be noted and approved.
b) Further reports be submitted to the Performance & Scrutiny Committee to monitor the implementation of the review to identify any shortfalls and issues with regards to officer capacity.