Agenda and minutes
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No. | Item |
Apologies To consider any apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies of absence were received from Councillors Sue Murphy, Paul Tweed, Pat Moloney, Lynne Thompson, Terry Byron and Mr Anthony Boyle.
Minutes of the Previous Meeting To consider the minutes of the last meeting held on 29th February 2024. Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the last meeting held on 25th January 2024 were agreed as an accurate record.
Declaration Of Interest To consider any Member declarations of interest. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest made in relation to any item on the agenda.
National Fire Standards Annual Update April 2024 To consider an update relating to the implementation of National Fire Standards (CFO/25/24). Additional documents:
Minutes: Chief Fire Officer, Phil Garrigan presented the National Fire Standards Annual Update for April 2024.
Members were advised on the Authority’s progress towards compliance with the National Fire Standards. The Chief Fire Officer explained that 17 standards were approved, by the Fire Standards Board and that two further standards were awaiting approval; ‘Internal Governance and Assurance’ and ‘Procurement and Commercial Services’.
Members were advised that the Fire Standards were demonstrated within the Authority’s Community Risk Management Plan (CRMP) and would be delivered by Response, Preparedness, Prevention, and Protection.
It was acknowledged that the Authority had been involved with the development of some of the 17 National Fire Standards.
The Chief Fire Officer stated that gap analysis would be carried out for each Standard, using the National Fire Chiefs Councils (NFCC) implementation Toolkit. It was noted that the delivery of the Standards would be monitored using a tracker.
Members were directed to page 31 of the report, which contained an overview of MFRA’s achievements to date. It was noted that the Authority had achieved good progress, in relation to implementing the Standards.
Councillor Grace, queried the progress made against Fire Standard 8, which read," To demonstrate inclusivity by recognising the diversity of the community and providing equality of access." The Chief Fire Officer explained that the ratings in the report were part of a self-assessment and that the Authority felt that further work around cultural aspects and understanding the community was needed. It was explained that the Authority wanted to consider all the different communities within Merseyside in line with feedback from HMICFRS. Councillor Lamb commended the Authority on its progress and asked for further information about the ‘Communication and Engagement’ Standard. Councillor Lamb queried the rating, noting that the report stated that the Authority had adequate resources in place to achieve the Standard. The Chief Fire Officer noted the recent release of this particular standard and Members were reassured that work around communication and engagement was always prevalent to the Authority.
Councillor Gorst queried if the Action plan was targeted at MFRA staff or communities in Merseyside. The Chief Fire Officer explained that the standard related to the community and the Authority’s affect on people’s habits e.g. safer driving.
Councillor Hanratty welcomed the new standards for Fire and Rescue Services. However, it was noted that the standards were not mandatory and so would not be financed by central government. It was explained that maintaining standards would assist with prioritising the best interests of the community.
Councillor Hanratty questioned the Authority’s contribution to the creation of the Standards. It was noted that MFRA has been involved in the development of several of the Standards but that the Board was independent.
Councillor Hanratty queried if any of the 17 Standards included the introduction of policies and if they needed to be adopted by the Authority.The Chief Fire Officer discussed the use of the implementation Toolkit to identify any areas of improvement and explained that if a new policy was needed the Chief ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |
Overview of Scrutiny 2023-2024 To consider the report which relates to the overview of scrutiny 2023-2024 (CFO/26/24). Additional documents: Minutes: Ria Groves presented a report providing an Overview of Scrutiny for 2023-2024. It was noted that the Scrutiny Forward Work Plan was agreed by Members at the Authority meeting in October 2023. It was advised that Scrutiny Members compiled the Forward Work Plan, and those topics were discussed over the course of three meetings.
Members were informed that the Committee had considered the Annual Health, Safety, and Welfare report 2022-2023 particularly focusing on injuries at work, road traffic collisions and near misses. It was noted that benchmarking against other Fire Rescue Services was included.
A detailed presentation on Wildfires was also provided to Members to gather crucial information on the environment and the Authority’s impact. It was advised that the presentation led to Members reaching out to the National Tactical Advisor to present to their relevant areas.
Ria Groves noted that Staff Sickness over the course of three years was discussed, which resulted in a Task and Finish Group for Members of the Scrutiny Committee. Members were advised that two areas were identified as significant in terms of their effect on long-term sickness; Musculoskeletal (MSK) Injuries and Mental Health.
Ria Groves advised Members that at the Scrutiny Committee held on the 25th April 2024, the results of the 2022 Staff Survey and the feedback from the ongoing trial of Hybrid Working were presented.
Members were reminded that the Scrutiny Forward Work Plan was a living document and could be amended at any time.
Councillor Maloney requested that the Plan include the battery life of smoke alarms installed in households throughout Merseyside, as she was concerned that they were failing to meet the advertised lifespan.
The Chief Fire Officer mentioned that battery life could vary depending on cold weather. It was noted that the Authority was constantly working to improve smoke alarms, working with the providers to monitor performance and make sure they meet expectations after delivery.
Members were advised that if expectations were not met then the Authority would consider reevaluate the current approach.
Councillor Hanratty expressed gratitude to the officers for sharing the staff sickness information during the Task and Finish Groups. Councillor Hanratty summarised that the main topic focused on MSK issues, specifically how wear and tear affects muscles and joints and how age played a significant role in this matter.
To gather more information on a national level, Members proposed to ask the Local Government Association (LGA) to investigate the evidence obtained from the scrutiny process and agreed it could benefit current and future Firefighters.
The Chief Fire Officer emphasised the significance of gathering data to inform future practices and it was noted that sickness absence was continually monitored.
The Chief Fire Officer discussed firefighters’ health and well-being and the gym facilities available which allowed Firefighters to stay fit for their role and duty.
Councillor Knight enquired whether it would be beneficial to seek a third party to discuss Mental Health to staff. It was noted that it would assist with motivating more staff to engage ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan 2024 - 2027 To consider the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan 2024 – 2027 (CFO/27/24). Additional documents: Minutes: The Chief Fire Officer presented the updated Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Action Plan 2024-2027.
The Chief Fire Officer highlighted that Members were well-acquainted with the implementation of the EDI action plan, but it was emphasised that having clear objectives to address any improvements was crucial.
It was advised by the Chief Fire Officer that a modification was made to objective four, contained within the report to reflect the HMICFRS inspection feedback and the Authority’s approach to its own culture.
The Chief Fire Officer advised that the amendment was predicated on community needs and to address EDI inequalities that exist across Merseyside.
The Chief Fire Officer highlighted the need to improve cultural competence and understand how the community's environment affects daily life. It was noted that the Authority recognised the need to address the specific needs of its communities through a targeted, person-centered approach.
Members were directed to page 8, the Chief Fire Officer clarified that the People Plan would encompass and emphasise aspects of cultural transformation.
It was noted that the inclusion of the NFCC Code of Conduct and standards and HMICFRS Action Plan would align with MFRA’s leadership behaviours and values.
Members attention was drawn to page 81 which commended the effective execution of the six-monthly reviews. It was noted that this played a key role in cultivating a successful mindset among all staff.
Councillor Hanratty noted that it was important to have respect in the workplace and the Authority’s culture. it was mentioned that the plan would guide MFRA in handling the specific issues raised.
Monitoring Officer, Ria Groves reminded Members that the topic of Culture will be an item on the agenda for the next Scrutiny Committee.
The Chief Fire Officer emphasised the importance of third-party scrutiny and involving other agencies and partners as it would enhance the effectiveness of the action plan.
a) the report contents be noted; and
b) the Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Action Plan for 2024 – 2027 be approved.