Agenda and minutes
Contact: Helen Peek Email:
No. | Item |
Chairs Announcements Minutes: Prior to the opening of Agenda Business, the Chair:
a) Requested that any Members of the Press and public present, who intend to record the proceedings of the meeting, make themselves known, and advised all present that the meeting was not being recorded.
b) Welcomed Guests; Charlie Cartwright, Theresa Simmonds, Steve Worrall, and Nick Herbert from Shropshire Fire & Rescue Authority and Denise McKinney, Shaun Turner, and Brian Grimley from Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority, who were in attendance to present the Members Learning Lunch in support of item 5 of the Agenda.
c) Welcomed representatives of the Greasby Centre, who were in attendance in relation to item 10 on the Agenda.
d) Requested all Members to remain following the close of business on the Agenda, for Members Equality & Diversity Training in relation to Equality Impact Assessments.
e) Expressed condolences on behalf of the Authority to Cllrs Sharon Sullivan and Linda Maloney on the sad passing of their respective Mother’s.
Preliminary Matters The Authority is requested to consider the identification of:
a) declarations of interest by individual Members in relation to any item of business on the Agenda
b) any additional items of business which the Chair has determined should be considered as matters of urgency; and
c) items of business which may require the exclusion of the press and public during consideration thereof because of the possibility of the disclosure of exempt information.
Minutes: The Authority considered the identification of any declarations of interest, matters of urgency or items that would require the exclusion of the press and public due to the disclosure of exempt information.
Resolved that:
a) The following declarations of interest were made by Members in relation to items on the agenda:
· Cllr Linda Maloney declared a personal interest in relation to Agenda Item 9, due to her being employed by BICC prior to her retirement.
b) no additional items of business were determined by the Chair to be considered as matters of urgency; and
c) the following items of business contained EXEMPT information By virtue of Paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 and therefore required the exclusion of the press and public due to the disclosure of EXEMPT information.
Item 9 Proposed Station Merger of Huyton & Whiston – Appendix B
Item 10 Proposals for Upton and West Kirby Fire Stations - Appendix H
Item 11 Operational Response Savings Options 2015/16 Liverpool District -Appendix Ba.-
Minutes of the Previous Meeting PDF 78 KB The Minutes of the previous meeting of the Authority, held on 24th July 2014, are submitted for approval as a correct record and signature by the Chair. Minutes: The Minutes of the previous meeting held on 24th July 2014, were agreed as a true record and signed accordingly by the Chair.
Minutes of the Additional Urgent Meeting PDF 49 KB The Minutes of the Additional Urgent meeting of the Authority, held on 1st August 2014, are submitted for approval as a correct record and for signature by the Chair. Minutes: The Minutes of the Additional Urgent meeting of the Authority, held on 1st August 2014, were approved as a true record and signed accordingly by the Chair.
Change of Appointment to The Authority PDF 67 KB To consider Report CFO/100/14 of the Clerk to the Authority, concerning the change of appointment by Knowsley Borough Council to Merseyside Fire & Rescue Authority, with effect from 1st October 2014. Minutes: Members considered report CFO/100/14 of the Clerk to The Authority, advising of a Change of Appointment by Knowsley Council to Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority with effect from 1st October 2014.
The Chair and other Members of the Authority expressed their thanks and appreciation to Cllr Newman, who had been a Member of MFRA for over 20 years, 8 years of which were served as Chair of the Authority.
It was noted that during his time on the Authority; and particularly during his time as Chair, Cllr Newman worked with all political parties during some challenging times, acting in the best interests of the Authority.
Resolved that:
a. Councillor Tony Newman’s resignation from and final date of appointment to, Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority as of midnight 30th September 2014 be noted.
b. the appointment of Councillor Ray Halpin (Labour), as Knowsley Council’s representative to Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority, with effect from 1st October 2014 be noted.
c. the nominated Member, appointed by Knowsley Council, to replace Councillor Newman, as the Member responsible for answering questions on the discharge of the functions of Merseyside Fire & Rescue Authority, within Knowsley Council be Councillor Grannell.
d. Councillor Ray Halpin be appointed to the vacant position on Policy and Resources Committee.
OPERATION SABRE – AID TO ROMANIA 2014 PDF 65 KB To consider Report CFO/099/14 of the Deputy Chief Fire Officer, concerning the Fire Aid provided by the Authority to Romania, via Operation Sabre.
A Presentation support of this report will be delivered as a “Learning Lunch” for Members, prior to this meeting. Minutes: Members were provided with a Learning Lunch in support of Agenda Item 5, prior to the opening of the meeting, by representatives from Shropshire and Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authorities.
Members considered the content of the presentation and Report CFO/099/14, of the Deputy Chief Fire Officer, regarding the aid provided by the Authority to Romania via Operation Sabre.
Resolved that:
a) The Authority’s contribution to Operation Sabre through the provision of a Fire Appliance to Romania be noted.
b) The Authority’s thanks and appreciation be recorded, to staff from both MFRA and Shropshire F&RA, for their excellent work and participation in Operational Sabre.
Health, Safety & Welfare Annual Report PDF 62 KB To consider Report CFO/092/14 of the Deputy Chief Fire Officer, concerning the performance of the Authority with regard to Health, Safety and Welfare outcomes for 2013/14. Additional documents:
Minutes: Members considered report CFO/092/14 of the Deputy Chief Fire Officer providing a review of the content of the Annual Health, Safety & Welfare Report and consider the performance of the Authority with regard to Health Safety and Welfare outcomes for 2013/14.
Resolved that: a) The content of the Annual Health, Safety & Welfare Report for the period April 2013 to March 2014, be noted.
b) Performance in relation to Health Safety & Welfare across the Authority for the period April 2013 to March 2014, be noted.
c) The objective in relation to increasing the number of near hit/ miss reports by 20%, continue to be reviewed to ensure that performance against the objective improves.
JCC OFFICIAL OPENING PDF 60 KB To consider Report CFO/103/14 of the Chief Fire Officer, concerning arrangements for the official opening of the Joint Control Centre. Minutes: Members considered Report CFO/103/14 of the Chief Fire Officer, concerning arrangements for the official opening of the Joint Control Centre.
Resolved that:
a) The official opening of the Merseyside Joint Control Centre on 16th December 2014, by a member of the Royal Family, be noted.
b) The requirement for a change of time for the Authority Meeting on 16th December 2014, to facilitate the official opening, be noted.
Knowsley Station Mergers Consultation Outcomes PDF 119 KB To consider Report CFO/094/14 of the Chief Fire Officer, concerning the outcomes of the twelve week public consultation regarding the proposed Station Merger in Knowsley; and the next steps. Additional documents:
Minutes: Members considered Report CFO/094/14 of the Chief Fire Officer, concerning the outcomes of the twelve week public consultation regarding the proposed station merger in Knowsley and the next steps. Resolved that:
The outcomes from the Knowsley public consultation be noted.
Proposed Station Merger of Huyton and Whiston PDF 119 KB To consider Report CFO/095/14 of the Chief Fire Officer, concerning the merger of Huyton and Whiston fire stations at Prescot, having considered the outcomes of the public consultation as detailed in report number CFO/094/14.
Additional documents:
Minutes: Members considered Report CFO/095/14 of the Chief Fire Officer, concerning the merger of Huyton and Whiston fire stations at Prescot, having considered the outcomes of the public consultation as detailed in report number CFO/094/14.
Discussion took place around the report and representatives from the Representative Bodies were given opportunity to address the Authority in relation to the report and recommendations.
Resolved that:
a) The merger of Huyton and Whiston fire stations at a site in Manchester Road, Prescot, be approved.
b) The change in crewing of the Whiston fire appliance from wholetime to wholetime retained, be approved.
c) The capital programme be amended to incorporate the £3.1m Prescot fire station scheme.
d) The Chief Fire Office be given delegated authority to continue discussions with partners, including Merseyside Police, with a view to sharing the building; and
e) The Chief Fire Officer be given delegated authority in consultation with the Deputy Chief Executive, the Clerk to the Authority and the Chair of the Authority, to agree appropriate lease terms with Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council and enter into a lease.
Proposals For Upton And West Kirby Fire Stations PDF 165 KB To consider Report CFO/101/14 of the Chief Fire Officer, concerning the proposal to either merge Upton and West Kirby fire stations at a new site on Frankby Road, Greasby, or close West Kirby fire station, subject to a 12 week period of public consultation to commence with effect from 3rd October 2014.
Additional documents:
Minutes: Members considered Report CFO/101/14 of the Chief Fire Officer, concerning the proposal to merge Upton and West Kirby fire stations at a new station on Frankby Road, Greasby, as an alternative to an outright closure of West Kirby fire station, subject to a 12 week period of public consultation, to commence with effect from 3rd October 2014.
Discussion took place around the report and recommendations; and representatives from the Greasby Association, were invited to address the Authority.
Resolved that:
a) The proposal to merge Upton and West Kirby fire stations at a new station on Frankby Road, Greasby, as an alternative to an outright closure of West Kirby fire station, be approved, subject to a 12 week period of public consultation to commence with effect from 3rd October 2014.
b) Following conclusion of the consultation, a further report be submitted to the Authority detailing the outcomes and any operational implications, for Members to determine at that point, which proposal to implement.
Operational Response Saving Options 2015/16 - Liverpool District PDF 103 KB To consider Report CFO/102/14 of the Chief Fire Officer, concerning operational response savings options for 2015/16 from the Liverpool District. Additional documents:
Minutes: Members considered Report CFO/102/14 of the Chief Fire Officer, concerning operational response savings options for 2015/16 from the Liverpool District and to recommend, subject to the outcomes of a 12 week public consultation, the closure of Allerton Fire Station and the relocation of the Allerton fire appliance to Old Swan to be crewed on a wholetime retained basis.
Resolved that:
A 12 week public consultation on the proposed closure of Allerton fire station and the relocation of the Allerton fire appliance to Old Swan to be crewed on a wholetime retained basis, be approved.
Results of the Employee Engagement Survey PDF 797 KB To consider Report CFO/104/14 of the Deputy Chief Fire Officer, concerning the results of the MFRA staff engagement survey.
Additional documents: Minutes: Members considered Report CFO/104/14 of the Deputy Chief Fire Officer, concerning the results of the MFRA staff engagement survey.
Resolved that:
a) The contents of the report, be noted.
b) The development of an Action Plan, to be generated in response to the priority actions contained within the report, be supported and approved.
c) The release of the People Insight reports on to the MFRA website on 3rd October 2014 from 10:00am, be approved.
d) The outcomes of the staff engagement survey be scrutinised by the relevant Lead Member.
e) The Performance & Scrutiny Committee closely monitor progress against the action plan.