Agenda item

Proposals For Upton And West Kirby Fire Stations

To consider Report CFO/101/14 of the Chief Fire Officer, concerning the proposal to either merge Upton and West Kirby fire stations at a new site on Frankby Road, Greasby, or close West Kirby fire station, subject to a 12 week period of public consultation to commence with effect from 3rd October 2014.



Members considered Report CFO/101/14 of the Chief Fire Officer, concerning the proposal to merge Upton and West Kirby fire stations at a new station on Frankby Road, Greasby, as an alternative to an outright closure of West Kirby fire station, subject to a 12 week period of public consultation, to commence with effect from 3rd October 2014.


Discussion took place around the report and recommendations; and representatives from the Greasby Association, were invited to address the Authority.


Resolved that:


a)    The proposal to merge Upton and West Kirby fire stations at a new station on Frankby Road, Greasby, as an alternative to an outright closure of West Kirby fire station, be approved, subject to a 12 week period of public consultation to commence with effect from 3rd October 2014.


b)    Following conclusion of the consultation, a further report be submitted to the Authority detailing the outcomes and any operational implications, for Members to determine at that point, which proposal to implement.


Supporting documents: