Agenda and minutes
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No. | Item |
Preliminary Matters The Authority is requested to consider the identification of:
a) declarations of interest by individual Members in relation to any item of business on the Agenda
b) any additional items of business which the Chair has determined should be considered as matters of urgency; and
c) items of business which may require the exclusion of the press and public during consideration thereof because of the possibility of the disclosure of exempt information.
Minutes: The Authority considered the identification of any declarations of interest, matters of urgency or items that would require the exclusion of the press and public due to the disclosure of exempt information.
Resolved that:
a) no declarations of interest were made by individual Members in relation to any item of business on the Agenda
b) no additional items of business were determined by the Chair to be considered as matters of urgency; and
c) no items of business required the exclusion of the press and public during consideration thereof because of the possibility of the disclosure of exempt information.
Minutes of the Previous Meeting PDF 61 KB The Minutes of the previous meeting of the Authority, held on 14th October 2021, are submitted for approval as a correct record and for signature by the Chair. Minutes: The Minutes of the previous meeting of the authority, held on 14th October 2021, were approved as a correct record and signed accordingly by the Chair. |
OUTCOMES FROM CONSULTATION - CROXTETH AND AINTREE FIRE STATIONS PDF 188 KB To consider Report CFO/058/21 of the Chief Fire Officer, concerning the outcomes of the twelve-week public consultation regarding the draft proposals to combine Aintree and Croxteth fire stations into a new superstation, including development of a Training and Development Academy and National Resilience Centre of Excellence, at a new site on Long Lane, Aintree.
Additional documents:
Minutes: Members considered Report CFO/058/21 of the Chief Fire Officer, concerning the outcomes of the twelve-week public consultation regarding the draft proposals to combine Aintree and Croxteth fire stations into a new superstation, including development of a Training and Development Academy and National Resilience Centre of Excellence, at a new site on Long Lane, Aintree.
Members were given a brief overview of the report.
The Chair of the Fire Authority commented that the superstation will be a legacy left for the future Authority. He added that this will improve the safety of crews and the people of Merseyside.
Members asked if Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service are satisfied that the build is environmentally friendly and were advised that it is and more details about that are in the following report.
Members enquired about response times and asked if there is a difference. Members were informed that the new superstation makes response times 2 seconds quicker. When a community fire station moves location, residents worry about this, but it is always guaranteed that response times stay the same or improve. There would also be more Home Fire Safety Check’s in the community.
The Police & Crime Commissioner stated that this was a thorough consultation and that it is good to keep communication with the public so there are no misunderstandings.
Members resolved that:
A) the outcomes of the comprehensive and informative public consultation process undertaken in relation to the proposals to combine Croxteth and Aintree fire stations, particularly the options for emergency fire cover in the Croxteth and Aintree area, be noted; and B) the outcomes when considering the FORMAL PLANNING APPLICATION FOR THE LONG LANE SITE report on this agenda today, including development of a new Training and Development Academy and a National Resilience Centre of Excellence, be taken into account. |
FORMAL PLANNING APPLICATION FOR THE LONG LANE SITE PDF 113 KB To consider Report CFO/061/21 of the Chief Fire Officer, concerning the content of this report and having previously considered the associated consultation report, which is a separate item on this agenda, prior to giving approval to submit a formal planning application for the Long Lane site. Additional documents:
Minutes: Members considered Report CFO/061/21 of the Chief Fire Officer, concerning the content of this report and having previously considered the associated consultation report, which is a separate item on this agenda, prior to giving approval to submit a formal planning application for the Long Lane site.
A presentation was given to Members by Group Manager Ben Ryder about the site on Long Lane.
Members were informed of the following:- · The reason the move is wanted: as per Merseyside Fire & Rescue Services vision - the best facilities, equipment and staff, are needed to be the best Fire & Rescue Service. · How the move will happen: the Authority has already approved the IRMP 21-24. · Where we currently are: Aintree was built in 1926 and has no community facilities. Croxteth was built a little later but again has no community facilities and is landlocked. · The new Long Lane site: is 12 acres, improves capability, is environmental and improves response standards. There would be Youth Engagement facilities, a Training & Development Academy and National Resilience facilities included. MFRS have a good record of station builds – Prescot, St Helens and Saughall Massie. The sustainability of the site and the environment are very important – the site will be carbon neutral. Staff wellbeing has been taken into account and a tranquil garden for their use has been incorporated onto the site. There will be electric vehicle charging points and a training area for various teaching to take place included complex skills (i.e. rail risks, rubble piles, and water). There is also classrooms built specifically for staff training and a state of the art Command & Control suite.
Members were advised that all managers and staff have contributed to the site project/station design and good relationships were formed between them and the architects.
Members asked if there are facilities on the site for outside personal would stay and were informed that there is not, but there are hotels near by and good public transportation/motorways, which would add to the local economy.
Members welcomed the added youth engagement facilities and asked if any costs would increase and if MFRS was confident about the cost of the build. Members were advised that costs can escalate but that this build would generate income through the National Resilience. There budget for the build would be monitored and all finances considered.
Members queried whether Control of Major Accident Hazards (COMAH) training would be taught at the new super station and were advised that it would be.
Members spoke of people with disabilities and asked if all options had been looked at for people with incapacities using/moving around the site/building. Members were advised that the Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (ED&I) officer had been involved in the build and that there was also assistance from an Accessibility officer. MFRS consider all factors and welcome any comments or observations.
Members asked when the super station would be complete and were informed that the build should be fully built and operational by the end of 2023.
Members ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |
PFI Contract - Re-financing of the senior debt PDF 89 KB To consider Report CFO/061/21 of the Director of Finance & Procurement, concerning the new owners of the PFI Contract Bilfinger Berger Global Infrastructure (BBGI) who have initiated a scoping exercise to consider refinancing of the senior debt within the PFI Contract. Minutes: Members considered Report CFO/061/21 of the Chief Fire Officer, concerning the new owners of the PFI Contract Bilfinger Berger Global Infrastructure (BBGI) having initiated a scoping exercise to consider refinancing of the senior debt within the PFI Contract.
Members were given a brief introduction of the report.
Members asked what any net gain would be considered for and were advised that firstly all three Authorities need to decide if it was a lump sum payment received or a reduction to monthly charges. For instance, if it was a lump sum the money could be used to increase the TDA capital reserve. Members were told that a report would be brought to the Authority to confirm what the final decision is.
Members resolved that:
A) the contents of the report, be noted; and B) the signing of any re-financing deal is delegated to the Director of Finance and Procurement, following consultation with the CFO and Chair of the Authority. A subsequent Authority report to be submitted detailing the outcome of any re-financing, be agreed. |
FPS Immediate detriment framework PDF 96 KB To consider Report CFO/060/21 of the Director of Finance & Procurement, concerning the framework agreed by the Local Government Association (LGA) and Fire Brigade’s Union (FBU) for processing eligible Fire Pension Scheme(s) “Immediate Detriment” cases, prior to legislation being passed to remedy age discrimination following the McCloud / Sargeant ruling.
Additional documents:
Minutes: Members considered Report CFO/060/21 of the Chief Fire, concerning adopting the framework agreed by the Local Government Association (LGA) and Fire Brigade’s Union (FBU) for processing eligible Fire Pension Scheme(s) “Immediate Detriment” cases, prior to legislation being passed to remedy age discrimination following the McCloud / Sargeant ruling.
Members were given a brief overview of the report.
Members questioned the recommendation and asked if it should say that Members agree to adopt the memorandum rather than consider adopting it. A response was given to Members stating that this was a valid point, the Director of Finance & Procurement wanted to leave the decision up to Members which is why it was worded that way. There are two benefits to accepting the immediate detriment framework which are: · avoiding further legal action; and · there will be a need to correct the benefits it produces once legislation comes out in October 2023, but by using national framework there is a standard approach to doing that. The downside is the cost.
Members queried the £300,000 that is already in the pension reserve fund and asked is it correct in understanding that a further £300,000 is required. Members were advised that this maybe the case but it needs to be confirmed by the Home Office and that a report will be taken to Members which will establish this at Policy & Resources Committee on 16th December 2021.
Members asked if the £300,000 was for every year and were advised it is an estimated total cost for the period up to 2023-24. Members were informed that any further changes to this cost would be reported back to Members.
Members decided to amend the recommendation so the wording states that the memorandum is agreed to be adopted.
Members resolved that:
the LGA and FBU Memorandum of Understanding and Immediate Detriment Framework for processing eligible Fire Pension Scheme (FPS) member applications for immediate access to their legacy pension benefits, be adopted. |
CONTRACT AWARD FOR STRUCTURAL FIRE GLOVES PDF 80 KB To consider Report CFO/059/21 of the Director of Finance & Procurement, concerning: 1) the North West Fire and Rescue Procurement Group invited tenders for the supply of firefighter leather fire gloves; and 2) the potential value of orders over the life of the contract which may exceed £250,000 and the Authority is required to approve the award of the contract. Minutes: Members considered Report CFO/059/21 of the Director of Finance & Procurement, concerning: 1) the North West Fire and Rescue Procurement Group invited tenders for the supply of firefighter leather fire gloves; and 2) the potential value of orders over the life of the contract may exceed £250,000 the Authority is required to approve the award of the contract.
Members were given a brief overview of the report.
Members resolved that:
the award of a framework agreement on behalf of North West Fire and Rescue Authorities with Bennetts Safetywear Limited for the supply of firefighter leather fire gloves, be approved. |