Agenda and minutes
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Preliminary Matters Members are requested to consider the identification of:
a) declarations of interest by individual Members in relation to any item of business on the Agenda
b) any additional items of business which the Chair has determined should be considered as matters of urgency ; and
c) items of business which may require the exclusion of the Press and Public during consideration thereof because of the possibility of the disclosure of exempt information. Minutes:
Members of the Committee considered the identification of declarations of interest; any urgent items; and any business that may have required the exclusion of the press and public:
Resolved that:
a) No declarations of interest by individual Members in relation to any item of business on the Agenda were made; and,
b) No additional items of business to be considered as matters of urgency were determined by the Chair; and
c) No items of business, which may have required the exclusion of the Press and Public during consideration because of the possibility of the disclosure of exempt information, were identified.
Minutes of Previous Meeting PDF 23 KB The minutes of the previous meeting of the Police and Fire Collaboration Committee, held on 12th September 2016, are submitted for approval as a correct record and for signature by the Chair. Minutes:
The minutes of the previous meeting of the Police and Fire Collaboration Committee, held on 12th September 2016, were approved as a correct record and signed accordingly by the Chair.
Corporate Services Review To consider Report CFO/014/17 of the Chief Fire Officer, concerning an update on the progress of the Corporate Services Review following consideration of the Deloitte Report and to outline the proposed next steps for the Corporate Services Review Project.
Members considered report CFO/014/17 of the Chief Fire Officer, concerning an update on the progress of the Corporate Services Review following consideration of the Deloitte report; and to outline the proposed next steps for the Corporate Services Review Project.
The Chief Fire Officer provided the Committee with an overview of the background information in relation to potential collaboration between Merseyside Police (MP) and Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority (MFRA).
The Committee was informed that discussion had taken place at the Joint Chief Officers Group in relation to the commissioned Deloitte report, with the next steps of the process considered.
The Chief Fire Officer confirmed that Senior Officers and the Police and Fire Collaboration Committee will consider the design and sizing of any new organisational structure, with key stakeholders consulted and informed about the options available.
Officers were questioned on who would undertake the research into the range of models being considered, as contained within the report, in regard to collaboration. It was confirmed that initially the research will be undertaken by Merseyside Police and MFRA internally; if further input was required of an external consultant then the Police and Crime Commissioner and the Fire and Rescue Authority would be consulted.
The Police and Crime Commissioner raised concern over some functions being subject to market testing and reminded Members of the Committee about previous discussions on this issue. The Chair of the Authority acknowledged the concerns raised and confirmed that should any functions not be subject to external testing then the rationale would be included in any reports to committee.
Officers were questioned on the method by which staff and representative bodies would be included in change management and it was confirmed that they would be involved in the early stages, in line with the current consultation practices of Merseyside Police. Any collaboration proposals will be submitted to the Programme Board for consideration then circulated through the internal processes of Merseyside Police and MFRA, together with consultation with the Trade Unions.
There followed general discussion over the Police and Crime Act and the intentions of Merseyside Police and MFRA to voluntarily collaborate wherever possible; and although Members recognised the financial drivers for collaboration they were intent on finding better ways of working to improve services.
Members of the Committee requested that their thanks to Deloittes be recorded for their work in undertaking an independent review.
Members resolved that:
The contents of the report be noted.
The Joint Chief Officer Group decision to undertake
further work to consider all of the Corporate Services functions as
a collaborative approach between both organisations be
approved. c. The next steps of the Corporate Services Review Project outlined in the report and the development of business cases for the Design and Build phase for each of the functional areas be supported and approved.