Agenda and minutes

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Contact: Kelly Kellaway  Email:

No. Item




The Chair requested that all present introduce themselves.


Information regarding general housekeeping and confirmation of the recording of proceedings was provided by the Chair to all in attendance. 


The Chair then declared the meeting open.




Preliminary Matters

Members are requested to consider the identification of:


a)    declarations of interest by individual Members in relation to any item of business on the Agenda


b)    any additional items of business which the Chair has determined should be considered as matters of urgency ; and


c)    items of business which may require the exclusion of the Press and Public during consideration thereof because of the possibility of the disclosure of exempt information.


Members of the Committee considered the identification of declarations of interest; any urgent items; and any business that may have required the exclusion of the press and public:


Resolved that:


a)    No declarations of interest by individual Members in relation to any item of business on the Agenda were made; and,


b)    No additional items of business to be considered as matters of urgency were determined by the Chair; and


c)     No items of business, which may have required the exclusion of the Press and Public during consideration because of the possibility of the disclosure of exempt information, were identified.



Minutes of Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 41 KB

The minutes of the previous meeting of the Police and Fire Collaboration Committee, held on 15th March 2016, are submitted for approval as a correct record and for signature by the Chair.


The Committee considered the Minutes of the previous meeting of the Police and Fire Collaboration Committee, held on 15th March 2016.


It was requested that the following amendments be made to the Minutes as printed:


·       Item 4last paragraph Be amended to read:


“The PCC informed the Committee of work to be undertaken by an independent consultant on the cost benefits of closer working between MFRA, Merseyside Police and the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC); and it was suggested that the consultant be asked to assist with undertaking a cost benefit analysis for all options of collaborative activity between the three organisations.”


·       Item 4 – resolution d) “…, including potential Governance models” be deleted.


·       Item 4 – under discussion took place regarding recommendation 2c) the spelling of Commissioner be amended.


With the inclusion of the amendments above, the minutes of the previous meeting of the Police and Fire Collaboration Committee, held on 15th March 2016, were approved as a correct record and signed accordingly by the Chair.



Police & Fire Collaboration - Corporate Services Review pdf icon PDF 50 KB

To consider Report/043/16 of the Chief Fire Officer, concerning progress of the development of the Outline Business Case for collaboration in the delivery of Corporate Services for Merseyside Police, Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority and the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner.

Additional documents:


Members considered report CFO/043/16 of the Chief Fire Officer, concerning progress of the development of the Outline Business Case for Collaboration in the delivery of Corporate Services for Merseyside Police, Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority and the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner.


Members were provided with an overview of the report which highlighted the key political and financial drivers for preparing an Outline Business Case in relation to shared corporate services.


Members were informed of the challenges around the development of a Corporate Services business case, and how the engagement of an external consultant was therefore considered to be the most effective solution. As such, an “Invitation to Tender” has been drafted and published, which sets out the requirements.


Those areas which are to be considered in scope, were highlighted to the Committee, along with the key deadlines for the process.


The Chair of the Committee confirmed that this process would not include a review of governance arrangements, which would be considered at a later stage.


Members Resolved that:


The engagement of consultants to work with officers to produce an outline business case and suitable operating model for collaboratively delivering the Corporate Services functions of Merseyside Police, Merseyside Fire & Rescue Authority and where appropriate the Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner, be approved.



Police / Fire Collaboration - Service Delivery Update pdf icon PDF 52 KB

To consider Report CFO/044/16 of the Chief Fire Officer, concerning an update on the Service Delivery Projects and Outline Business Cases for the Blue Light Collaboration Programme.


Members considered Report CFO/044/16 of the Chief Fire Officer concerning an update on the service delivery projects and outline business cases for the Blue Light Collaboration Programme.


Members were provided with a brief overview of the report which highlighted the work streams being considered.


The Chair expressed thank on behalf of the Committee to the Collaboration Team for all their work to date.


Members Resolved that:


The content of the report be noted.