Agenda and minutes

Venue: Liverpool Suite. View directions

Contact: Kelly Kellaway  Email:

No. Item


Chairs Announcement


Prior to the start of the meeting, information regarding general housekeeping and confirmation of the recording of proceedings was provided to all in attendance.


The meeting was then declared open and recording of the proceedings commenced.


Cllr Dave Hanratty – Chair of Merseyside Fire & Rescue Authority, informed all present that Karl Mansfield – Communications Manager for MFRA, would be taking some photographs throughout the meeting; and asked if anyone present objected to photographs being taken.


All present confirmed they were happy for photographs to be taken throughout proceedings.


All present were then asked to introduce themselves.



Election of Committee Chair

As this was the first meeting of this Committee, formal nominations for Chair of the Committee were requested.


Cllr Dave Hanratty – Chair of Merseyside Fire & Rescue Authority, was nominated by Cllr Linda Maloney. The nomination was seconded by Jane Kennedy – Police & Crime Commissioner.


The Committee voted unanimously in favour of the nomination.


It was resolved that:


Cllr Dave Hanratty be appointed as the Chair of this Committee; and preside over the remainder of the meeting.




Preliminary Matters

The Committee is requested to consider the identification of:


a)  declarations of interest by individual Members in relation to any item of business on the Agenda


b)  any additional items of business which the Chair has determined should be considered as matters of urgency; and


c)  items of business which may require the exclusion of the press and public during consideration thereof because of the possibility of the disclosure of exempt information.



Members of the Committee considered the identification of declarations of interest, any urgent additional items; and any business that may require the exclusion of the press and public.


Resolved that:


a)    No declarations of interest were made by individual Members in relation to any item of business on the Agenda.


b)    No additional items of business to be considered as matters of urgency were determined by the Chair.


c)    No items of business required the exclusion of the press and public during consideration thereof, due to the possible disclosure of Exempt information.




Minutes of the Previous Meeting

As this is the first meeting of this Committee, there are no previous Minutes submitted for approval.


As this was the first meeting of the Joint Police & Fire Collaboration Committee, there were no previous Minutes for consideration.





Terms of Reference For Joint Police And Fire Collaboration Committee pdf icon PDF 13 KB

To consider and endorse the proposed Terms of Reference for the Joint Police And Fire Collaboration Committee.


The Committee considered the proposed Terms of Reference for the Joint Police And Fire Collaboration Committee.


Resolved that:


The proposed Terms of Reference, be endorsed.



Fire and Police Collaboration Programme pdf icon PDF 47 KB

To consider Report CFO/073/15 of the Chief Fire Officer and Chief Constable, concerning a proposed framework to explore opportunities for further collaboration between Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority (MFRA) and Merseyside Police (MP) and the draft Guiding Principles to inform the Collaboration Programme.

Additional documents:


The Committee considered Report CFO/073/15 of the Chief Fire Officer and Chief Constable, concerning a proposed framework to explore opportunities for further collaboration between Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority (MFRA) and Merseyside Police (MP); and the draft Guiding Principles, to inform the Collaboration Programme.


The Committee were informed that there are 3 areas on which the Collaboration Programme will focus:


·         Shared Corporate Services

·         Joint Ways of Working

·         Shared Estates Opportunities


Discussion took place around the importance of Blue Light Services working together and being as flexible as possible, to minimise the impact of cuts on frontline services to the public.


Discussion also took place concerning the possible involvement of North West Ambulance Service in collaborative working.


It was noted that every effort will be made to engage NWAS in the collaboration programme, without allowing such discussions to impact on progress. 


The Committee placed on record their thanks to all Officers involved, for their work to date.


Resolved that:


a)    The draft Guiding Principles for the Collaboration Programme, attached at Appendix A, be approved.


b)    The Chief Fire Officer (CFO) and Chief Constable (CC), be instructed to undertake a joint review of existing and potential opportunities for collaboration in line with the methodology detailed within the Guiding Principles.



Dates of Future Meetings

To consider and approved a schedule of dates for future meetings of this Committee.


The Committee agreed that this meeting be adjourned, to allow a further meeting to be called at short notice, should the need arise.


It was agreed that the Committee meet within the next 3 months, on a date to be confirmed.