Agenda and minutes
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No. | Item |
Chair's Announcement Minutes: Prior to the start of the meeting, the Chair confirmed that the proceedings of the meeting would be recorded.
The Chair asked if anyone in attendance had any objections to being recorded.
No objections were raised, therefore the meeting was formally opened and recording commenced.
Preliminary Matters Members are requested to consider the identification of:
a) declarations of interest by individual Members in relation to any item of business on the Agenda
b) any additional items of business which the Chair has determined should be considered as matters of urgency; and
c) items of business which may require the exclusion of the press and public during consideration thereof because of the possibility of the disclosure of exempt information. Minutes: The Committee considered the identification of any declarations of interest, matters of urgency or items that would require the exclusion of the press and public due to the disclosure of exempt information.
Resolved that:
a) no declarations of interest were made by individual Members in relation to any item of business on the Agenda
b) no additional items of business were determined by the Chair to be considered as matters of urgency; and
c) no items of business required the exclusion of the press and public during consideration thereof because of the possibility of the disclosure of exempt information.
Minutes of Previous Meeting PDF 26 KB The Minutes of the previous meeting of the Police and Fire Collaboration Committee, held on 1st September 2015, are submitted for approval as a correct record and for signature by the Chair. Minutes: The Minutes of the previous meeting of the Police and Fire Collaboration Committee, held on 1st September 2015, were approved as a correct record and signed accordingly by the Chair.
Enabling Closer Working Between Emergency Services Consultation Response PDF 58 KB To consider Report CFO/088/15 of the Chief Fire Officer, concerning the proposed response from Merseyside Fire & Rescue Authority to the Government Consultation on “Enabling closer working between the Emergency Services’” issued on 11th September 2015. Additional documents: Minutes: Members considered Report CFO/088/15 of the Chief Fire Officer, concerning a proposed response from the Authority to the Government consultation on “Enabling closer working between the Emergency Services” issued on 11th September 2015.
The Committee were informed that MFRA’s response to the consultation was being shared with this Committee, prior to being approved for submission by the full Authority at its meeting on 20th October 2015.
The Police and Crime Commissioner stated that the Merseyside Police response to the consultation was broadly similar to that of MFRA; and confirmed that she would be happy to share their response with the Committee.
Resolved that:
Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority’s response to the consultation, as set out at Appendix A of the report, be approved.
Blue Light Collaboration - Project update PDF 50 KB To consider Report CFO/087/15 of the Chief Fire Officer and Chief Constable concerning progress to date with the Emergency Services Collaboration Programme.
Additional documents: Minutes: Members considered Report CFO/087/15 of the Chief Fire Officer and the Chief Constable, concerning progress made to date with the Emergency Services Collaboration Programme.
The Committee were provided with an overview of the report, which highlighted progress made in relation to each of the deliverables. Members were informed that the various working groups have now convened, each with their own Terms of Reference; and Co-ordination Leads have been established for each area.
The overview highlighted the Opportunities Assessment Template attached as an appendix to the report, which is a Police template adapted for use throughout the collaboration work. The Opportunities Assessment Template will allow information to be captured in a consistent, objective way, to enable areas to be identified for progression.
Discussion took place around the emerging Risk Register for the programme and the possibility of looking into avenues of funding to support some of this work.
The Committee requested that their thanks and appreciation be placed on record, to all staff involved in the collaboration work to date.
Resolved that:
a) The Programme Board be instructed to carry out a full opportunities assessment.
b) The Programme Board be instructed over any strategic considerations which may need to be taken into account during the opportunities assessment phase.
c) The Risk Register for the Collaboration Programme, be brought to the next meeting of the Committee for Members consideration.
d) Research into potential sources of funding to support some of this collaboration work, be undertaken.
Date of the Next Meeting:
At the end of the proceedings, the Committee agreed that the meeting be adjourned once again, to enable a further meeting to be convened at short notice, should it be required.
It was agreed that unless required sooner, the Committee be reconvened once the impact of the Autumn Statement is known.