Agenda item
- Meeting of AGM (Annual General Meeting), Authority, Thursday, 10th June, 2021 1.00 pm (Item 13.)
- View the background to item 13.
To consider Report CFO/028/21 of the Chief Fire Officer, concerning performance against the objectives and the performance targets/outcomes as set out in the Service Delivery Plan 2020/21. In addition, the Integrated Risk Management Plan actions and the HMICFRS action plan are reported twice a year and are included in this end of year Service Delivery Plan report.
Members considered Report CFO/028/21 of the Chief Fire Officer, concerning the scrutinising of performance against the objectives and the performance targets/outcomes as set out in the Service Delivery Plan 2020/21.
Members were provided with an overview of the report highlighting the completion of the feasibility study and costing of the Training and Development Academy (TDA) redevelopment. Members were asked to focus on the new build of the TDA and were informed that information on this will be in the Integrated Risk Management Plan (IRMP) report that will be going to the Authority Meeting on 30th June 2021.
The service endeavours still ensure collaborative work continues, including the joint response to COVID 19 and Members were informed the Local Collaboration Overview document has been updated and can be shared with them.
Merseyside Fire & Rescue Authority’s (MFRA) ‘ground rules’ have been updated empowering staff to identify and challenge inappropriate behaviour and the ‘mission and values’ have been discussed with staff and will be reviewed in 2021/22.
MFRA’s staff survey was completed in November and December 2020 with significant improvements in staff engagement.
Members were advised that the objectives of the Service Delivery Plan for 2020/21 shows benchmark indicators are better and the majority of targets were met, including the total number of primary fires attended which had decreased from the previous year by 323.
The objective for the number of deliberate dwelling fires in occupied properties is indicated amber, meaning it is within 10% of the target and Members were informed that work will be carried out with Merseyside Police over this.
Members were advised that the objective for available shifts lost to sickness is indicated red due to the challenge that has been faced regarding Covid 19. The overall sickness percentage target is 4% and the result is just over this (4.27% for operational staff and 4.62% for non-uniformed staff). This was managed so well as MFRA has a sharp focus on business continuity ensuring preparation. If the Covid 19 absence was taken away from the sickness loss percentage, the available shifts lost to sickness would only be 2.54-2.58%.
Members were assured that the Authority has responded to the previous Her Majesty’s Inspectorate inspection which was in 2018 and has continued to do so since then.
The management of performance and developing leaders is indicated Amber - Members were advised that staff-led work to revise our values and leadership message has been completed and that further engagement and a launch is being planned in 2021/22.
Making the fire and rescue service affordable now and in the future continues to be streamlined and automated using Microsoft Forms and InfoPath forms. 36 processes have been improved in this way since the last inspection and finance have also automated previously paper-based processes such as virements.
Members were advised that within the IRMP there were some Amber indicators but these may change due to improving performance in communities.
MFRA will continue to work with North West Ambulance Service (NWAS) to develop an Integrated Demand Management Programme for times of high demand, such as during the Covid 19 pandemic. This expands the previous IRMP action to enter into Emergency Medical Response (EMR) alongside the Ambulance Service.
The Urban Search & Rescue Team indicator will change from Amber to Green shortly due to MFRA choosing to take a different course with regard to training.
Regarding the Amber indicator for the ‘use of technology to support the mobilisation of resources to all operational incidents types’ - preliminary work has been undertaken in relation to the 999Eye application. This action is linked to the launch of the Vision 5 mobilising system which has now been upgraded. This technology will enable images/videos from phones being sent to Control staff for live viewing and the recommendation for this to be up and running is within12 months.
The Amber indicator for Safe and Well visits is due to the fact that not as many visits have been done because of Covid 19 restrictions. This also applies to Patnership work with the Police and Local Authorities to stop the transmission of the virus.
Members were advised that MFRA does a lot of work with children and young people, highlighting the work involving the Prince’s Trust, Fire Cadets and Beacon Courses. It was added that the work MFRA do here is fantastic and something that the organisation is proud of. Members were encouraged to attend presentations that are held by these departments.
Members were also advised that a Business Support Group is to be re-enacted along with significant partnership work around Grenfell.
The Chair of the Authority requested that the Scrutiny Committee consider information from the IRMP and it was confirmed that this will be done by Scrutiny.
Members were informed that the Prince’s Trust Presentation evenings are open for all Members to attend and that they are extremely worthwhile. It was added that the work done over 16 weeks by the Merseyside Fire & Rescues Prince’s Trust teams is amazing and New Members of the Authority were encouraged to attend.
Members expressed how incredible they thought the sickness percentage was at 2.4% (not including the Covid 19 absences) and thanked and congratulated all MFRA staff. Members were informed that this had been a challenging time for staff, but the option of working from home was introduced to help with this and it worked really well. Fires were still extinguished, road traffic accidents were still attended and work was still completed by staff that worked tirelessly. Members stated that this was a testament to staff and added that were grateful for all the work that is done.
Members Resolved that:
the attached reports for publication on the website, be approved.
Supporting documents:
- Appendix 1: FUNCTIONAL PLAN 2020-21 END OF YEAR REPORT, item 13. PDF 194 KB
- Appendix 2: KPI/LPI PERFORMANCE 2020-21 END OF YEAR REPORT, item 13. PDF 139 KB
- Appendix 3: HMI 2020-21 END OF YEAR REPORT, item 13. PDF 89 KB
- Appendix 4: IRMP 2020-21 END OF YEAR REPORT, item 13. PDF 131 KB
- Appendix 5: Operational Response IRMP Supplement 19-21 Action Impact Assessment, item 13. PDF 140 KB