Agenda item
TDA Development
- Meeting of Authority, Thursday, 15th October, 2020 1.00 pm (Item 11.)
- View the background to item 11.
To consider Report CFO/055/20 of the Chief Fire Officer, concerning the development of a Training Development Academy (‘TDA’) and fire station on a new site rather than develop the existing site.
Members considered report CFO/055/20 of the Chief Fire Officer, concerning support for the development of a Training Development Academy (‘TDA’) and fire station on a new site rather than develop the existing site.
Members will recall the possibility of building a new training facility/station as part of the 2021 -2024 Integrated Risk Management Planning cycle was discussed at the recent Members Strategy Day and that any proposal would be subject to Members receiving a detailed proposal including a full business case and funding statement, before any final commitment to a new site was agreed.
Members were given a brief overview of the report emphasising that the current TDA and Croxteth Fire Station location is landlocked with no site expansion possible. The site in which these buildings are based is in need of significant re-development and continuing refurbishment works. Although the refurbishing is feasible, the physical limitations of the current site wouldn’t enable the provision of more modern facilities that the authority requires to train all staff and external stakeholders.
Members were advised that a new site with a larger footprint would enable the facility to include a bespoke training facility with scope to include a Fire Behaviour Unit, TDA Building including offices, an indoor training facility for use in adverse weather and for demonstration purposes for the local community, a new 5 bay Fire Station, provision of external training which will also incorporate added provision for National Resilience (NR) focused training requirements as a minimum... but to name a few.
Members asked what impact a new build would have on the current site, for example the cost of repairs to the current building. Members were advised that there are no immediate repairs required and any that will be done will be of minimal cost. There could be a possibility of significant costs for repairs but Members were reassured that there would be ongoing costs either way. The new site is within range of the current site and training will continue to take place, bringing in revenue.
Members praised the work that the Training and Development Academy do on site.
Members resolved that:
a. the deferral of the refurbishment of the current TDA site and instruct the CFO to look for a new site for the TDA, be approved;
b. the CFO be instructed to report back to Members’ with a proposal for a new site including a full business case and funding proposal;
c. the use of the capital reserve to fund any pump priming work ahead of the detailed proposal, be approved;
d. power be delegated to the CFO to make conditional bids for potential sites if the deadlines for bids means that it is not possible to get members’ formal approval beforehand (note: part of any condition associated with a bid is that Authority approval would be required if the bid is successful);
e. a conditional bid (non-binding) had been made in consultation with the Chair of the Authority on a preferred new site as the deadline for bids was 25th September 2020 and a number of competitive bids had been received in relation to the site, be noted;
f. a more detailed report subject to the outcome of the Comprehensive Spending Review and following any response to the conditional bid which would ultimately indicate the feasibility of the proposal, be requested;
g. any progress would be subject to public consultation and Authority approval, be noted; and
h. any proposal would be captured within the 2021-2024 Integrated Risk Management Plan, be noted
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