Agenda item

Learning and Development Contract

To consider Report CFO/043/20 of the Chief Fire Officer, concerning the extension of the current contract for the provision of specialist team building training.


Members considered Report CFO/043/20 of the Deputy Chief Fire Officer, concerning the extension of the current contract the Authority holds with Brathay Services Ltd (“Brathay”), for the provision of specialist team building training for one year, due to the inability of the Authority to move to market due to the implications and restrictions posed by the actions in relation to COVID-19.


Members were informed that the Authority currently has a 3-year contract for the provision of specialist team building programmes, with the option to extend by a further year.


They were advised that within this contract, the Authority has, in conjunction with Brathay Services Ltd, developed a tailor made recruitment programme, in order to meet the Authority’s requirements for team building and individual development for our new recruits, as well as current employees undertaking leadership and development training, as part of our corporate succession planning process.


It was highlighted to Members that while the contract allows the provision of a contract extension of 1-year, due to the current spend during the 3-year contract term and anticipated spend for a further year, as detailed within the financial implications, the expenditure during the proposed extension and value of the contract would exceed £250k.


Members were advised that Officers have been unable to tender for the award of a new contract for the supply of this service, due to the implications of the Covid-19 lockdown and the extensive process involved.


Members were also informed that a request has been received from Lancashire Fire & Rescue, to participate in this 1-year extension and then to work with us on any future tender process, when we go back out to tender for this service, over the coming year.


With regards to the financial implications, it was highlighted to Members that based on the known and predicted training requirements, it is expected that the Authority spend for this year, up to July 2021, will be approximately £175k for courses provided. In addition, it is anticipated that the spend for Lancashire F&R will be approximately £33k. It was confirmed to Members that these costs can be contained within the overall organisational training budget.


A question was raised by Members as to how much the contract was likely to exceed the £250k by.


Members were advised that Officers did not have the exact figures to hand, however as the Authority’s Financial Regulations dictate that as soon as the contract amount goes £1 over the £250k threshold, Officers do not have the power to approve. It was stressed to Members however, that the costs are within the available budget.


A further question was raised by Members with regards to paragraph 10 of the report, which references a formal agreement between MFRA and Lancashire Fire & Rescue; and whether Members should be approving the recommendations before such an agreement is in place.


Members were assured that the report has been brought to Members for approval, as spend for our own officers will exceed the £250k. With regards to collaboration with Lancashire F&R, Members were assured that an agreement would need to be in place before the Authority would incur any costs.


Members Resolved that:


a)    The utilisation of a 1-year contract extension, be approved.


b)    Expenditure during the proposed extension and value of the contract, be noted as exceeding £250k.  


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