Agenda item
- Meeting of AGM (Annual General Meeting), Authority, Thursday, 11th June, 2020 1.00 pm (Item 15.)
- View the background to item 15.
To consider Report CFO/039/20 of the Chief Fire Officer, concerning the scrutinising of performance against the objectives and the performance targets/outcomes as set out in the Service Delivery Plan 2019/20 for the period December 2019 to March 2020.
Members considered Report CFO/039/20 of the Chief Fire Officer, concerning the scrutinising of performance against the objectives and the performance targets/outcomes as set out in the Service Delivery Plan 2019/20 for the period December 2019 to March 2020.
Members were provided with an overview of the report.
Their attention was drawn to the key benchmark performance indicators at Appendix A, the vast majority of which are marked green, highlighting a strong, positive performance.
Members were informed that the total number of emergency calls received, has reduced significantly, as have the total number of incidents and the total number of fires attended.
With regards to primary fires, Members were advised that the total number of accidental fires in dwellings for 2019/20, was 867, which is the lowest amount in the history of MFRA, and is testament to the fantastic work undertaken by staff. Members were advised that moving forward, there are likely to be challenges, however significant inroads have been made and our interventions are having an impact.
Members were informed that there have also been reductions in the number of deliberate fires. They were advised that the total number of secondary fires, which are broadly due to anti-social behaviour, has seen a very significant reduction of 33%, which again is a result of the fantastic prevention activity undertaken by staff and working closely with our partners.
In relation to Special Service calls, Members were informed that performance has been mixed, with a reduction in the number of water related incidents, but an increase in the number of RTC’s. With regards to RTC’s, Members were advised that some factors are outside our gift to redress. They were informed that the focus for MFRA has been around reducing incidents involving young people, with significant progress made in this area. However, reducing RTC’s across the piste can prove more difficult.
Members were informed that there has been a slight increase in the number of false alarms attended, however this is related to the increasing number of automatic false alarms in domestic premises of vulnerable individuals.
With regards to attendance times against the attendance standard, it was highlighted to Members that the attendance standard was met on 93.9% of occasions, against a target of 90% and that the alert to mobile target was also achieved.
In terms of sickness absence, Members were advised that the percentage of available shifts lost to sickness absence for all personnel, was slightly over target, however this will have been impacted by Covid-19. Members were informed that when Covid-19 related absence is removed from the figures, the target is achieved.
Members were advised that MFRA are delivering significant outcomes for the communities of Merseyside and that the actions within the Integrated Risk Management Plan and Functional Plans, are progressing well and are on target.
With regards to the implementation of hybrid arrangements at St. Helens, Members were informed that the project has been delayed slightly, but is on track to be delivered in Autumn 2020.
The Chair of the Authority expressed his thanks to all staff for the great performance over the past year and for keeping the County safe.
A question was raised by Members in relation to the internal development of Fire Safety Inspectors and Fire Safety Auditors and whether there were plans to increase the number of those staff further.
Members were advised that there were plans to increase the number of Protection staff, with additional one-off funding provided by Government following the Grenfell Tower incident, being ring-fenced to grow the number of Protection staff and deliver against the recommendations in the Dame Hackett review. They were assured that investment will be made in a considered manner and that lobbying of Government will continue in an effort to extend the funding provided, enabling MFRA to respond better.
Members Resolved that:
Performance against the objectives and the performance targets/ outcomes as set out in the Service Delivery Plan 2019/20, for the period December 2019 to March 2020, be noted.
Supporting documents:
- Appendix 1: KPI/LPI END OF YEAR REPORT 2019/20, item 15. PDF 162 KB
- Appendix 2: FUNCTIONAL PLANS 2019/20 END OF YEAR REPORT, item 15. PDF 280 KB
- Appendix 3: IRMP 2019/20 END OF YEAR REPORT, item 15. PDF 120 KB
- Appendix 4: FINAL PERFORMANCE OUTTURN 2019-20, item 15. PDF 58 KB