Agenda item


To consider Report CFO/046/19 of the Chief Fire Officer, concerning the  intention to procure eleven [11] type B fire appliances as per the vehicle/fleet asset management plan and in response to the approved changes contained within the 2019-2021 supplement to the 2017-2020 Integrated Risk Management Plan (IRMP).


Appendix A to this report, contains EXEMPT information, by virtue of Paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.



Members considered Report CFO/046/19 of the Chief Fire Officer, concerning the intention to procure eleven Type B fire appliances, as per the vehicle/ fleet asset management plan; and in response to the approved changes contained within the 2019-2021 Supplement to the 2017-2020 Integrated Risk Management Plan (IRMP).


Members were provided with an overview of the report, which explained that the Authority have a policy of refreshing appliances every 15 years.

Members were advised that appliances remain on the frontline for between 10 and 12 years, and are then utilised as reserve appliances for the remaining years of their asset life.


Members were informed of the recent decision by the Chief Fire Officer to delay the disposal of 4 appliances, due to the new IRMP Supplement proposals; and also the potential for a no-deal Brexit and possible subsequent civil unrest.

The Chief Fire Officer explained that last time there was civil disorder, a number of appliances were damaged and therefore unavailable whilst being repaired. Therefore, in order to safeguard against such events, it was decided to delay the scheduled disposal.


It was confirmed to Members that the proposals reflect the Asset Management Plans; and the breakdown costs of appliances and a breakdown of the tender process, was highlighted to Members.


Members commented that the proposals relate to MFRA’s core business and core equipment, for which they do not receive any capital grant. Therefore, the Authority are required to put aside revenue to fund the purchase of such essential equipment.


Questions were raised by Members regarding Corporate Social Responsibility; and how this was measured as part of the tender evaluation process.

Members were advised that officers did not have the specific information to hand in relation to this contract, however some general examples were provided to Members; and they were advised that a more specific response would be provided by the Head of Procurement, following the meeting.


Further questions were raised by Members in relation to electric powered vehicles and whether there were charging points available on Community Fire Stations.

Members were advised that currently, there are not charging points on stations. They were informed that although there have been significant advances around electric vehicles, the technology has not developed sufficiently to enable electric fire appliances to be viable. With regards to the introduction of electric vehicles to the ancillary fleet, Members were informed that the cost of electric vehicles is currently still very high compared with the cost of other vehicles; and officers need to apply a judgement around the cost of the vehicle and the pay back. They were also informed that should the Authority decide to install electric charging points on stations, there would be tax implications for staff charging their own vehicles.


Members were advised however, that officers are very mindful of the changes around emissions and electric vehicles; and there will undoubtedly be a point in the future when electric vehicles will be introduced as part of the fleet.



Members Resolved that:


a)    The content of the report be noted.


b)    The proposed procurement, be approved.


c)    The increase in the 5 year capital programme appliance replacement scheme by £0.170m to £3.350m, to facilitate the future purchase of a 12th new appliance, be approved.


d)    Further information regarding the Corporate Social Responsibility criteria in relation to the tender evaluation process, be provided to Members.


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