Agenda item

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Annual Report April 2018 - March 2019

To consider Report CFO/045/19 of the Chief Fire Officer, concerning the draft Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (ED&I) Annual Report which contains an update on the progress made against the ED&I Action Plan 2017-2020 and our ED&I objectives for 2017-2020. The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Annual Report 2018/19 is attached to this report at Appendix A.



Members considered Report CFO/045/19 of the Chief Fire Officer, concerning the draft Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (ED&I) Annual Report, which contains an update on the progress made against the ED&I Action Plan 2017-2020; and our ED&I objectives for 2017-2020.


The Chair of the Authority reminded Members of their personal responsibility to promote ED&I.


It was requested and agreed that this Agenda Item and Agenda Item 5 – “Equality Analysis of Workforce and Employment Data as at 31st March 2019”, be considered together.


With regards to this item, Members attention was drawn to paragraph 4 of the report, which outlines the areas under the Equality Act 2010 Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED), that public authorities must have due regard to, which include the need to:


·         Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct prohibited by the Act.

·         Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.

·         Foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.


In relation to Agenda Item 5, Members attention was drawn to paragraph 9 of the report, which details some of the key figures contained within the report.


It was highlighted to Members that the total number of staff employed by MFRA, as at 31st March 2019, had increased to 1000 (total headcount), which was a 1% increase. The percentage of crew managers had increased to 5.5% (total of 55), whilst the percentage of firefighters fell to 39%, which is due in part to the expansion of the crew manager role. Members were informed that the re-introduction of the crew manager role has been of massive benefit to the operational part of the organisation.  They were informed that there has been a great deal of interest in the role since it was re-introduced; and that the process is going extremely well.


With regards to Fire Control staff, Members were advised that numbers have remained consistent; and the percentage of support staff has increased from 31.2% (309 staff) during 2016/17, to 35.5% (355 staff) during 2018/19.


Members were informed that the number of staff disclosing their sexual orientation as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Transgender (LGBT) has increased from 15 in 2016/17 to 22. They were also informed that the number of BAME staff has increased by 25%, from 39 in 2017/18 to 49 in 2018/19. It was stated that although this is moving in the right direction, there is still some way to go before MFRA is reflective of the communities it serves.


Members were advised that a number of Staff Networks will be launched in the New Year; and a member of the Senior Leadership Team will be appointed as a senior Sponsor for each of the protected characteristics, to provide support to those Networks.


With regards to female staff, Members were advised that they now make up 26.5% of the total staffing, which has increased from 23.9% over a 3 year period. It was highlighted to Members that this is well ahead of the English Fire & Rescue Service average of 15.9%.


In terms of the operational staff gender split, Members were advised that 91% (556) are males, and 9% (55) are females, which although this still needs to improve, is higher than the English Fire & Rescue Service female whole time firefighter average of 6.1%.


With regards to the gender pay gap, data as at 31st March 2019, shows that across the organisation, the mean gender pay gap is -11.7%, which equates to £1.80 per hour. This shows an improvement on the 2016/17 figure, which was -12.1%. Members were informed that although we are bringing more female operational staff into the organisation, they are coming in at the lower ranks, but hopefully as they start to progress, this figure will improve, albeit this will take time. Members were also advised that officers are currently looking at developing a rapid promotion process, not just for females, but to support all individuals with additional skills.


It was also highlighted to Members that a total of 113 new Members of staff have joined MFRA during 2018/19, 51 operational staff (8 females), 7 Fire Control (6 females) and 55 support staff (23 females).

During the same period, there have been 112 individuals leave MFRA, 73 operational staff (3 females), 5 Fire Control staff (all females) and 34 support staff.


Members were also advised that in terms of attendees on Princes Trust Courses run by MFRS, there were 184 during 2018/19, which is an increase on 2017/18, in which there were 116 attendees.


In terms of the value of the Princes Trust course, Members were referred to page 20 of the Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Annual Report April 2018 to March 2019, attached as Appendix A to Agenda Item 4. It was highlighted to Members that of the 184 attendees on the course, 164 completed the course; and of those who completed the course, 106 have continued their development in employment, education or training, which is a positive outcome of 57%. They were also informed that of those attendees, 131 where either homeless, ex-offenders, asylum seekers, in care/ leaving care, or part of a homeless family.


Questions were raised by Members regarding the capture of data around transgender individuals; and the language used within the report (male and female etc…) Members were reassured that there are now dedicated senior officer leads for each of the protected characteristics and those officers are looking at how they can better support individuals and the staff networks. It was also confirmed that consideration would be given to the language used within the report to ensure that it is appropriate.


Discussion took place concerning the work around supporting women who are going through the menopause; and raising awareness of men and younger people to better support colleagues.


The Chair of the Authority advised Members that there is a great deal of work being undertaken by the LGA and NFCC, around ED&I. He commented that this is a top priority for MFRA; and that ED&I issues need to be placed at the forefront of policy making.


Members Resolved that:


The attached Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Annual Report, be approved for publication on the Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service (MFRS) website, in order to demonstrate MFRA’s commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion; and in order to meet its Public Sector Equality duties.




Supporting documents: