Agenda item

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Action Plan 2017-2020, Functional Priorities 2018/19, Quarter 1 & Quarter 2

To consider Report CFO/070/18 of the Chief Fire Officer, concerning progress made against the Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Action Plan - Year 2, for Quarters 1 and 2.


Members considered Report CFO/077/18 of the Chief Fire Officer, concerning progress made against the Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (ED&I) Action Plan – Year 2 for Quarters 1 and 2.


It was highlighted to Members that the ED&I Action Plan was first introduced in April 2013, to help progress the ED&I agenda within MFRA.


Members were provided with an overview of the report, which highlighted some of the work undertaken during the reporting period, in delivering against the Action Plan and Equality Objectives.


Some of the key areas of work highlighted, included the introduction of dyslexia assessments, the training of all Community Risk Management staff in Level 2 Safeguarding; and our ongoing work with diverse businesses, addressing language barriers.


Members were also informed of a fully inclusive communication package – “Recite me”, which can be added to the new website and Portal, and can translate information into over 50 languages; and ensure all information is fully accessible.


In addition, Members were advised that all policies have been reviewed to ensure that they support staff who have carer responsibilities; and they were also informed of work which has commenced with Liverpool Football Club foundation and Everton in the Community Blue Base, around work with young people from a wide range of backgrounds and protected groups.


Members commented that they were extremely proud of the extensive work undertaken; and it was suggested that Members should highlight the report within their own authorities; and direct information to relevant committees.


Further comments were made regarding the fantastic work around embedding mental health training within the Prince’s Trust Programmes, with a recent example highlighted; and the work undertaken across the whole organisation with regards to mental health.


Comments were also made regarding the requirement for FRS’s to be reflective of the communities that they serve, in order to maintain relevance.


With regards to the Prince’s Trust, Members stated that questions are often raised around why MFRA are involved in the programme. However anyone who is exposed to it can see the importance of what we do, as those who participate become ambassadors for MFRA; and it enables MFRA to invest back into a healthy community, making the fire service a relevant part of the wider community.


Questions were raised by Members regarding diverse groups and whether there are any groups that MFRA have not engaged with.

Members were advised that we are just about to enter our planning cycle, which is informed by a substantial amount of data and information around demographics and knowing our communities, which enables us to target our resources effectively. This enables our Station Plans to be tailored effectively to the needs of the local area. Therefore, to the knowledge of officers, there are no diverse groups that have not been engaged, as if we were aware of any, they would certainly have been engaged with.


A further question was raised regarding hearing loops; and whether there is any legislative requirement to provide them in all public buildings.

Members were advised that there is not at present, but it is something that all public services try to provide. It was also noted that for employees who are hard of hearing, there is a requirement for employers to make reasonable adjustments on the grounds of disability.

Members were also informed that MFRA have a mobile hearing loop which can be taken to external venues for the purposes of consultation.


Members Resolved that:


a)    The progress made against the ED&I Action Plan – Year 2 – Quarter 1 and Quarter 2, be noted.


b)    Their thanks be recorded to staff for the fantastic work undertaken around ED&I.


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