Agenda item
Multi Agency Hoarding Protocol Progress Report
To consider report CFO/015/18 of the Chief Fire Officer, the progress made in relation to the Multi-Agency Hoarding and Self-Neglect Protocol (MHSP) developed following a double fatality at a fire in a single private dwelling where hoarding was identified as a contributory factor in relation to the loss of life.
Members considered report CFO/015/18 of the Chief Fire Officer, concerning the progress made in relation to the Multi-Agency Hoarding and Self-Neglect Protocol (MHSP) developed following a double fatality at a fire in a single private dwelling where hoarding was identified as a contributory factor in relation to the loss of life.
Members were provided with an overview of the report, which detailed the background to the development of a Multi-Agency Hoarding and Self-Neglect Protocol with regards to recommendations in a Regulation 28 Coroners Letter: Hoarding Fire Fatality, directed to the Secretary of State for the Home Office Rt. Hon. Amber Rudd.
Members were advised of a recent case in which the MHSP was utilised to secure a warrant of entry into an owner occupied property in order to address a high risk hoarding safeguarding concern and details regarding the case where explained to Members.
Members were also informed of the intended action to disseminate information regarding this case, to enable shared learning; and that the Deputy Chief Fire Officer would be writing to the Liverpool and Wirral Coroner and Secretary of State for the Home Office, to update them on the progress.
Members suggested that a press release be issued and a request made to include this case study on the agenda for the Merseyside Community Safety Partnerships, in order to promote the Protocol; and commented that it is a further example of MFRS being proactive and leading the way in preventing fire deaths and protecting the vulnerable.
Questions were raised regarding the position with adoption of a Protocol within Wirral; and Members were advised that progress is being made, the extent of which would be established and Members informed post meeting.
Further questions were raised and comments made regarding the removal of hoarding material following the cessation of the Community Risk Intervention Service; and powers of entry to make required interventions.
Members were advised that powers of entry do exist, but rest with the local authorities and that long before the Mather Avenue incident occurred, which resulted in the Regulation 28 Coroners Letter, MFRA have been proposing recommendations and a protocol for agencies to work together to address such issues. However, it has only been since that incident that MFRA have had the leverage to move the matter forward. With regards to the mechanics of the intervention, Members were informed that Environmental Health have the powers to remove debris and hoarding material. Members were further informed that each agency will draw on their specific powers to make interventions together.
With regards to a press release, it was noted that this should be produced in collaboration with all agencies involved.
Members Resolved that:
a) The effective progress of the MHSP, be noted.
b) The significance of this progress in light of the double fatality fire incident and the consequential regulation 28 letter from the Coroner to the Secretary of State for the Home Office, be noted.
c) The intention to share the learning from this progress with safeguarding partners and the wider Fire and Rescue Service, be noted.
d) The recent success in obtaining a warrant of entry in order to conduct a hoarding intervention to safeguard vulnerable occupants, be noted.
e) The intention to write to the Liverpool and Wirral Coroner and Secretary of State for the Home Office to update them on the progress following their previous involvement, be noted.
f) A Multi Agency press release be produced to promote the success of the MHSP.
g) A request be made to include the effective progress of the MHSP as an agenda item for the Merseyside Community Safety Partnerships, to promote the Protocol and enable the information to be appropriately disseminated.
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