Agenda item


To consider report CFO/075/17 of the Monitoring Officer, informing Members of the progress of the working group established to consider the detail of the proposed reforms to Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority (MFRA).



Members considered Report CFO/075 of the Monitoring Officer, concerning the progress of the working group established to consider the detail of the proposed reforms to Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority (MFRA).


Members were provided with an overview of the report, which outlined the progress of the working group and subsequent discussions between the Chair of the Authority, the Chief Fire Officer and the Metro Mayor, regarding future “tranches” of the devolution plans for Merseyside. As a result of those discussions, Officers from MFRA and Merseyside Police have been asked to consider and provide options regarding the future governance of both organisations.


As a result of these developments, Members were advised of the recommendation of the Chair of the Authority, to suspend work on the reform of the Authority, until the outcome of those considerations is known.


The Chair of the Authority commented that there are lessons to be learnt from other areas in which responsibility for fire and rescue has already been devolved to a Metro Mayor. He therefore stated that it is important for the Authority to pause and ensure that it does everything it can, to make sure that when any governance change occurs, it is on the best possible terms for the future of the fire and rescue service, to ensure that it can continue to change lives as well as save lives.


Questions were raised regarding approximate timescales and Members were informed that the Chief Executive of Halton has requested that MFRA and Merseyside Police set out a proposed way forward for consideration.


The PCC advised that discussions have paused at present, pending consultation with the PCC of Cheshire; and commented that a governance model similar to that within Greater Manchester, would be difficult to achieve given the required boundary changes for Police and Fire, to incorporate Halton. Therefore, it is anticipated that any potential governance changes are likely to take some time to implement.


The PCC also commented that the savings associated with the proposed Authority reform, are significant; and suggested therefore that potential changes to the Authority continue to be considered and discussed in the meantime, in an effort to reduce the overall financial challenge to the Authority.


The Chair of the Authority concurred with the PCC in respect of the timescale issues as a result of boundary complexities and commented that there is a great deal of work to be undertaken to look into how a future governance model may look and what will be delivered. He commented that the budget setting process will commence in the New Year and that various options for additional savings will be considered throughout that process, to ensure that the Authority can deliver a balanced budget. He also highlighted some of the changes made to date with regards to the Authority and the subsequent savings that those changes have delivered.


Members resolved that:


a)    The current situation in relation to the Liverpool City Region (LCR) Combined Authority, be noted. 


b)    The recommendation of the Chair of the Authority, that any reforms of MFRA are suspended until the position of the LCR Combined Authority on Police and Fire and Rescue Service governance is known, be noted.






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