Agenda item

Lead Member/ Ambassador Feedback 2016/17

To consider Report CFO/029/17 of the Monitoring Officer, concerning feedback on the work undertaken by the appointed Lead Members and Member Ambassadors during 2016/17.


A short film around “Blue Light Mental Health” will be shown in support of this report, in relation to the Ambassador for Health & Wellbeing Role.


Members considered report CFO/029/17 of the Monitoring Officer, providing them with feedback on work undertaken by appointed Lead Members and Member Ambassadors during 2016/17.


A short film around “Blue Light Mental Health” was shown in support of this report, in relation to the Ambassador for Health & Wellbeing Role. 


The Chair praised the excellent work that the Health & Wellbeing Team provide and emphasised to Members the awards won by this group.  He extended his thanks to everyone involved in the Mind Blue Light Programme. 


Members were reminded of the Lead Member/Ambassador Roles and updated on the feedback they had provided, along with Appointed Members and Supporting Officers.  Members offered their thanks to all involved. 


Members Resolved that:


a.    The feedback provided by the Lead Members and Member Ambassadors in relation to their involvement in their respective roles for 2015-16, be noted.

b.    The value of continuing with the current Lead Member and Member Ambassador roles for the coming Municipal Year, be noted.

c.    The continuation of the current Lead Member and Member Ambassador roles, be agreed.




Supporting documents: