Agenda item

A Strategic Overview Of Estates - Identification Of Key Priorities

To consider Report CFO/102/13 of the Deputy Chief Executive, concerning a review of the property portfolio of the Authority and recommendations for savings in light of the forecast significant reductions in funding.


Members considered Report CFO/102/13 of the Deputy Chief Executive, concerning a review of the property portfolio of the Authority and recommendations for savings in light of the forecast significant reductions in funding.


Members discussed the report in detail and sought clarity regarding the recommendations.


Officers confirmed that Members were not being asked to make any decisions at this moment in time regarding station mergers, but were being asked to grant permission for officers to look into options in order to bring back detailed proposals for the Authority’s consideration at a later stage.


Members Resolved that:

a)    The content of the report be noted.


b)    The following recommendations, as set out in Appendix A to the report, be approved:


I)             The Authority identify strategic mergers that allow operational response to be maintained, whilst improving community and firefighter facilities and reducing costs.


Having assessed the location of the newer stations and the operational response needs of the service, the Chief Fire Officer has identified that the two key geographic options where strategic mergers should be considered following consultation are:


a)    Wirral:


Merging West Kirby and Upton to create a much improved station with extensive community facilities at Greasby, which would allow operational standards to be maintained whilst improving the capability for community partnerships.


In addition, consideration might be given to the opportunities for the future development of Heswall. This site is commercially attractive and working with private/ public partners may create opportunities to improve facilities or relocate services.


b)    St.Helens and Knowsley:


Members have already approved in principle, the working up of a feasibility study for the mergers of Huyton and Whiston fire stations at Prescot. There are a number of merger options to be considered across St. Helens and Knowsley, including Huyton/ Whiston, St.Helens/ Eccleston or Whiston/ Eccleston.


II)            The Chief Fire Officer report back with detailed proposals on how to take the above recommendation forward.


III)           For all stations, the aim should be to encourage partners to create community hubs and to share costs, reduce wasted space and provide better facilities. Reserves should be used for invest to save schemes which deliver long term revenue streams from partners.


IV)          The Authority should sensibly invest in small scale works that would improve firefighter and community facilities at older stations in the short-term. £0.5m of the capital investment reserve should be set aside to support these works.


V)           The Chief Fire Officer review the facilities at the TDA and report in full on what improvements and investments are required to ensure firefighter safety.


VI)          Note the following key projects that are being progressed:


·         Improvements to the LLAR accommodation facilities at Newton and Formby Fire Stations, where additional land has been acquired and accommodation blocks will be built.


·          The new Joint Command and Control Centre with Merseyside Police (including the refurbishment of HQ and the development of a new secondary MACC). This is a major multi million pound project and much of the focus of estates and other support teams will be on the delivery of this by the target date of May 2014.


VII)        Note the following mid scale projects that are planned:


·         Replacement of diesel tanks

·         5 year electrical testing

·         Upton Training Tower

·         Kensington Training Tower

·         Demolition of Claires Building at Liverpool City Community Fire Station.


Supporting documents: