Agenda item

Asset Management Plans

To consider Report CFO/011/16 of the Deputy Chief Fire Officer, concerning how the Authority plans to align its physical asset base with its corporate goals and objectives over the next five years (2016/17 – 2019/20).




Members considered report CFO/011/16 of the Chief Fire Officer, concerning how the Authority plans to align its physical asset base with its Corporate goals and objectives over the next five years (2016/17 – 2019/20). 


Members were provided with an overview of the report, which highlighted the Asset Management Plans for Estates, ICT and Transport; and how those Plans take account of the financial challenge faced by the Authority and the consequent changes that are likely to be required in order to continue to meet the requirements and expectations of internal and external service users.



Members resolved:


That the Asset Management Plans provided as Appendices to the report be approved.


Supporting documents: