Agenda item

Presentation - Care Act: Safeguarding Adults

To consider a presentation from Duncan Robinson – Liverpool City Council Solicitor, concerning the Care Act and Safeguarding Adults.


Members considered a presentation from Duncan Robinson – Solicitor from Liverpool City Council, concerning the Care Act and Safeguarding Adults.


The presentation informed Members that the Care Act 2014 has fundamentally changed how Local Authorities deliver community care packages. It has required Local Authorities to act, should it believe an adult is experiencing, or is at risk of abuse or neglect; and co-operate with relevant partners (of which the Fire & Rescue Authority is one), to protect the adult.


The Care Act 2014 introduced Safeguarding duties for adults, which amongst other things, aims to encourage organisations to consider people as individuals, taking account of what those individuals want for themselves; and support them in making choices and having control about how they wish to live.

Members were informed that this has huge implications for fire and rescue authorities, as there will be more vulnerable people choosing to remain living independently; and these vulnerable people will be dispersed amongst our communities.


The presentation highlighted that the Care Act 2014, required local authorities to establish Safeguarding Adults Boards. However within Liverpool, such a Board has been established for some time, with MFRA playing a key role in terms of representation and data sharing. Input from MFRA at the Safeguarding Adults Board, has enabled plans to be put in place for vulnerable individuals, which enables them to lead the life they want to as safely as possible.


Members were informed that safeguarding also aims to inform the wider public of what safeguarding is, to enable society to be safer and more inclusive.


In addition, the guidance has highlighted that there are other types of abuse, beyond physical, which need to be considered - for example, sexual abuse, psychological abuse, financial abuse and modern slavery.


The presentation went on to detail the safeguarding procedures which should be established and followed.


Furthermore, Members were informed that Safeguarding Adults Boards must produce a Strategic Plan; and in producing such plan, should make use of all available evidence and intelligence from its partners, such as fire and rescue authorities, the ambulance service, housing providers, prison and probation  services, GP’s and trading standards. It was highlighted that in developing the plan, it is important to understand pressures facing frontline staff, to ensure that measures put in place will work effectively on the frontline.


Discussion took place following the presentation, with questions raised around MFRA representation on local Safeguarding Boards following the move away from a District based delivery model to functional delivery; and how agencies will work together to avoid individuals having to duplicate the provision of information.


Members were informed that within Liverpool, a joint working agreement has been signed off with the NHS, to enable health colleagues to undertake certain functions of a local authority social worker; and vice-versa, which should reduce the need for individuals to repeat information to a number of agencies.


Furthermore, Members were informed that all MFRA Operational staff and advocacy staff are fully aware of Safeguarding, with relevant processes in place to deal with any safeguarding issues; and make referrals to partners as necessary.


Such employees are regularly exposed to vulnerable individuals in the course of their day-to-day work. This is why representatives from MFRA are Co-Opted onto Safeguarding Boards, with representation now being shared between the Deputy Chief Fire Officer, the Area Manager for Community Risk Management; and relevant Group Managers.


Members then thanked Duncan for the presentation.