Agenda item

Merseyside Health And Wellbeing Partnership

To consider Report CFO/076/15 of the Deputy Chief Fire Officer, concerning a review of the work currently being undertaken between Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority (MFRA) and Health Partners.


Members considered Report CFO/076/15 of the Deputy Chief Fire Officer, concerning a review of the work currently being undertaken between Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority (MFRA) and Health Partners.


Members were provided with some contextual information, highlighting the Authority’s shift in focus which dates back to1999, towards prevention activity and improving the safety of Merseyside’s residents.


Members were informed that MFRA led the way in complimenting a reactive service with a proactive strategy, introducing the concept of Home Fire Safety Check’s. The outcome of this proactive strategy was a significant reduction in fire deaths and injuries, and accidental dwelling fires.


The overview highlighted ways in which the Fire and Rescue Service can support people to make healthy choices, from our operational firefighters who are seen as being excellent role models for healthy lifestyles, developing our partnership arrangements; and making use of our community fire stations to support projects aimed at reducing health inequalities.


Members were also informed of the recent Fire and Health Summit, hosted by MFRA, which attracted attendance from a number of health related partners. This Summit looked at how agencies across Merseyside could work in partnership and take a more holistic approach to assisting those most vulnerable within our communities. It also introduced the concept of a”Safe and Well Visit”; and how our staff and staff from the Fire Support Network can add value to the HFSC visits.


Discussion took place around the report, with questions raised regarding the strength of partnerships and sustainability of the initiative, safeguarding and referrals.


Members were informed that the local Health Summit was extremely well supported, with buy-in from all partners at a Strategic Management level. The principle will be that MFRA will deliver whatever is required however we will need to be informed what the requirements will be; and the work will need to be funded accordingly. Members were also informed that the extent of the future financial challenge will determine the extent to which we can extend our offer.


With regards to safeguarding, Members were informed that a Task & Finish Group will be set up to consider necessary safeguards, for MFRA staff and the public.


Further discussion took place around broadening the role of the Fire Support Network to deliver some of these interventions; the need to mitigate any impact on the delivery of our core function; and possible timescales for the introduction of “Safe and Well” Visits.


Resolved that:


a)    The development of the “Safe and Well” visit be supported by Members, and that Members recognise the potential impact that it may have when tackling wider health determinants.


b)    Potential opportunities that such an approach could have with regard to targeted health interventions be explored. These interventions may tackle issues such as: social isolation, mental health, slips trips and falls, hospital discharge, through signposting, referrals or direct bridging.


c)    The development of local partnerships within Merseyside, which encourage local action(s) to prevent or reduce service demand and improve the quality of life of persons with acute or chronic conditions, be reviewed.


d)    The effect of delivering “Safe and Well” visits be monitored by the Committee, to ensure there is no adverse impact on the delivery of core functions.


Supporting documents: