Agenda item
Operational Response Savings Options For West Wirral
To consider Report CFO/058/15 of the Chief Fire Officer, concerning the merger of Upton and West Kirby fire stations at a new station on Saughall Massie Road, subject to agreement from Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council (MBC) to transfer ownership of the land to the Authority and the granting of planning permission.
Appendix B to this Report contains EXEMPT information by virtue of Paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972.
Members considered Report CFO/058/15 of the Chief Fire Officer, concerning the merger of Upton and West Kirby fire stations at a new station on Saughall
Massie Road, subject to agreement from Wirral Metropolitan Borough
Council (MBC) to transfer ownership of the land to the Authority and the
granting of planning permission.
The Chief Fire Officer provided Members with a comprehensive overview of the report, highlighting that the proposals were as a direct result of ongoing cuts to the Authority’s budget and that doing nothing is not an option for the Authority.
The overview highlighted the operational rationale for the merger, explaining that the merger option was recognised by the majority of participants in the consultation process and across the Country, as being the option which delivers the least impact on operational response.
The Chief Fire Officer explained to Members that the overwhelming majority of concerns raised by residents were in relation to planning issues. He therefore proceeded to provide an explanation of the consideration given to issues raised, which had some bearing on operational response.
With regards to the suggestion raised to utilise Rapid Response Vehicles, as an alternative means of providing operational response cover, the Chief Fire Officer explained that Merseyside Fire & Rescue Authority were the first Authority to introduce such vehicles as a means of providing response to small, non life risk incidents. These vehicles were supplementary to the wholetime fire appliance at some stations. However, as a direct result of the cuts to the Authority’s budget, the provision of second appliances at all but two stations has been removed and the budgetary provision for the Small Fires Units was subsumed to retain as many rescue appliances as possible.
The Chief Fire Officer explained that all stations on the Wirral were now single pump stations; and that nowhere in the Country are such vehicles utilised instead of rescue pumps. In addition, National Guidance around breathing apparatus procedures, states that the minimum number of personnel required to deliver a safe response at a house fire is four, meaning that it is not a credible option to replace a full rescue pump with a Rapid Response Vehicle. In addition, to make the required savings, several other rescue pumps would need to be converted to Rapid Response Vehicles.
With regards to concerns raised regarding traffic conditions in the area, the Chief Fire Officer stated that this is strictly speaking a planning issue, however all drivers are fully trained, with the roads in West Wirral presenting no greater challenge than in any other areas across Merseyside. He further highlighted that if the Authority chose to proceed with the outright closure of West Kirby Fire Station, the appliance from Upton would still need to travel along the roads in question to respond to West Kirby.
The Chief Fire Officer informed Members that neither Merseyside Police nor North West Ambulance Service had committed to be involved in the development at present; and that any new station would not be fully operational until 2016/17.
He explained that it was no longer possible to crew appliances at non key stations at all times, therefore a number of non key stations may not be staffed on occasion, on a rotational basis. However, as an interim measure to maximise appliance availability, the Authority will introduce wholetime retained crewing where possible.
The Chief Fire Officer highlighted that other options considered were detailed fully within Agenda Item 7, however it must be noted that there are no options available which will improve matters; and the merger option is considered to be the one which will have the least impact on operational response.
Members made a number of comments concerning the recommendation. Members from all political parties recognised that they would not be making such decisions out of choice, but are required to do so as a direct consequent of the cuts to the Authority’s budget. They also acknowledged the need for the Authority to consider what is in the best interest of communities across the whole of Merseyside, ensuring that the decisions they make provide the best possible fire cover for all.
Cllr Linda Maloney therefore moved the recommendation to approve the merger proposal, which was seconded by Cllr Denise Roberts.
A vote then took place as follows:
For Against Abstain
14 (unanimous) Nil Nil
Members Resolved that:
a) The merger of Upton and West Kirby fire stations at a new station on Saughall Massie Road, subject to agreement from Wirral MBC to transfer ownership of the land to the Authority and the granting of planning permission, be approved.
b) The relocation of the West Kirby fire appliance to Upton to be crewed wholetime retained as an interim measure prior to the construction of the new station, be approved.
c) The Capital Programme be amended to incorporate the Saughall Massie fire station scheme; and
d) Delegated authority be granted to the Chief Fire Officer to continue discussions with partners, including Merseyside Police and North West Ambulance Service, with a view to sharing the new building.
Supporting documents:
- Operational Response Savings Options For West Wirral, item 8. PDF 76 KB
- Appendix A: Upton and West Kirby Operating Costs, item 8. PDF 14 KB
- Restricted enclosure View the reasons why document 8./3 is restricted