Agenda item

Proposals For Eccleston and St. Helens Fire Stations

To consider Report CFO/060/15 of the Chief Fire Officer, concerning the proposal to merge Eccleston and St.Helens fire stations at a new station on Canal Street, St.Helens; and the re-designation of one of the two existing wholetime appliances as “wholetime retained” (with a 30 minute recall), subject to a 12 week period of public consultation, to commence with effect from 3rd August 2015.


Appendix M to this Report contains EXEMPT information by virtue of Paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972.


Members considered Report CFO/060/15 of the Chief Fire Officer, concerning the proposal to merge Eccleston and St.Helens fire stations at a new station

on Canal Street, St.Helens; and the re-designation of one of the two

existingwholetime appliances as “wholetime retained” (with a 30 minute

recall), subject to a 12 week period of public consultation, to commence

with effect from 3rd August 2015.


Members were provided with an overview of the report, which highlighted that although there are other options available to the Authority to deliver the necessary savings, these have not been recommended as the merger option delivers the least impact on operational response.


It was highlighted to Members that mergers are being used by fire and rescue authorities across the Country as a means of delivering savings.


Members were also informed that as a rule, mergers would not improve response times – however, in this case there would be an improvement in response to some locations, due to the close proximity to major road networks of the proposed site. However, Members were informed that there are a few areas identified, which may not be reached within the ten minute response standard although there is little difference in predicted response times to those areas, from the current arrangements; and the areas not covered are predominately rural, with minimal housing.


Members commented that it is the responsibility of Councillors to ensure that they provide the best operational response to the people of Merseyside; and therefore they fully support the recommendations within report.


Members Resolved that:


a)    A 12 week period of public consultation (to commence with effect from 3rd August 2015) over the proposal to merge Eccleston and St. Helens fire stations at a new station on Canal Street, St. Helens and re-designate one of the two wholetime fire engines at these stations as “wholetime retained”, be approved.


b)    Following conclusion of the consultation, a further report be submitted to the Authority detailing the outcomes of the consultation and any operational implications.



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