Agenda item

Service Delivery Plan 3rd Quarter

To consider Report CFO/015/15 of the Deputy Chief Fire Officer, concerning scrutiny of performance against the objectives and targets set in the Service Delivery Plan 2014/15 for the period April 2014 to December 2014.


A presentation will be provided in support of this report.


Members were provided with a presentation by Jackie Sutton – IRMP Officer, concerning an overview of performance against the objects and targets within the Service Delivery Plan for 20145/15 for the third quarter.


A number of questions were raised by Members concerning the number of fire fatalities for the year, the number of RTC’s attended and the ability of the Authority to influence this number, the number of operational staff injuries; and sickness absence levels.


In relation to the number of fire fatalities, Members were informed that despite there being less accidental dwelling fires so far this year, there have been more fire fatalities.. Members were informed that older people are increasingly encouraged or required (Care Act)  to remain in their own home, which brings with it some challenges for the Authority in terms of keeping those individuals safe from fire. Members were advised that this issue will be the focus of the Home Safety Strategy being developed at present, which will be brought back to Members in due course.


In terms of the number of RTC’s attended, Members were informed that targets and allocation of resources are reviewed regularly. In conjunction with Wirral Borough Council, resources are currently focused on targeting young people aged 16 to 29, with the “Suddenly from Nowhere” presentation being delivered to pupils across all Wirral Colleges. Should it be found that these interventions are not having an impact, the Authority will need to renegotiate the package with Wirral Council to invest time and resources elsewhere as appropriate. 


With regards to the number of operational staff injuries, Members were advised that operational staff are now training more, and the number of injuries has increased as a result of this.


Members suggested that the operational staff injuries figure, be separated out into injuries obtained whilst undertaking risk critical training and injuries sustained whilst attending incidents.


In terms of sickness absence, the Committee were informed that there has been a slight reduction observed for February. Conduct and Capability Training is currently being delivered to all Managers across the organisation; and it is hoped that the introduction of the new policies and procedures; and support mechanism, will start to have a positive impact on absence levels.


Members were also informed that as there is now a full 12 months of data available, the target in relation to AFA’s has been revisited and amended.


Members thanked Jackie for the presentation.


Members then considered Report CFO/015 of the Deputy Chief Fire Officer, concerning scrutiny of performance against the objectives and targets set in the Service Delivery plan 2014/15 for the period April to December 2014.


Members Resolved that:


a)    Performance concerning the IRMP, Service Delivery Plan and Functional Plan action points; and the suite of Key Performance Indicators for 2014/15, for the period April to December 2014, be noted.


b)    A report be brought back to a future meeting of the Committee concerning performance in relation to Automatic Fire Alarm (AFA) Actuations.


c)    Further information be brought back to a future meeting of the Committee with a breakdown operational staff injuries.


Supporting documents: