Agenda item


To consider Report CFO/018/15 of the Deputy Chief Fire Officer, concerning the performance of the Wirral District over 2014/15.


A presentation will be provided in support of this report.


Members were provided with a detailed presentation by Group Manager Paul Murphy – District Manager for the Wirral.


The presentation provided a “story of place” for the Wirral, highlighting key facts around the geography, demographics and key risk factors within the District.


Maps were shown detailing the four constituency areas, the various wards; and the current location of community Fire Stations within the Wirral District.


Information was then provided regarding the number and type of incidents occurring within the District. This highlighted a reduction in the number of accidental dwelling fires – however it was noted that unfortunately 3 accidental dwelling fire fatalities have occurred within the District during 2014/15.

Reductions were also reported for commercial building fires and anti-social behaviour fires. However, there has been an increase in the number of vehicle fires, which is thought to be at least partially related to organised crime and the use of vehicle fires as threats. Members were informed that work is underway with Police colleagues to address this issue.


The presentation also highlighted that the number of road traffic collisions MFRS are attending within the District are also on the increase. Members were informed that MFRS continue to work in conjunction with partners, in an effort to reduce RTC’s, through education and enforcement.


Members were also provided with an overview of the partnerships and information sharing arrangements within the District, to help identify the most vulnerable people and target resources appropriately. It highlighted that in terms of vulnerability, there appears to be a “middle corridor” of individuals between the ages of 40 and 49, who live alone and may smoke, drink excessively or use drugs, but who are not a focus for any particular agency. 


Members raised a number of questions in relation to the presentation.


In relation to the identification of vulnerable people within the “middle corridor”, Members were informed that Wirral Council were asked to share information regarding people claiming single person Council Tax benefit. This combined with sanitised data from the Cheshire & Wirral Partnership (CWP), enabled the number of properties to be reduced down to a manageable level for intervention.


In terms of targeting resources towards vulnerable older people, Members were informed that significant amounts of work has been undertaken to identify the location of vulnerable older people, but the problem has been in getting across the threshold to make interventions. Officers are working closely with health providers in an effort to access those individuals identified.


In relation to data sharing, Members were informed that Officers only utilise data which supports targeted intervention and protects the most vulnerable within Merseyside.

With regards to incident numbers within station areas, the Committee were informed that in the past, appliances may not have attended secondary fires within their station area, as the small fires unit may have been mobilised to such incidents to enable the appliance to remain available for life risk incidents. As the Authority no longer have that luxury given the reduction in the number of frontline fire engines, Officers confirmed that it will always be the nearest appliance which is mobilised to an incident.


GM Paul Murphy was thanked for the presentation.


Members then considered Report CFO/018/15 of the Deputy Chief Fire Officer, concerning the performance of the Wirral District over 2014/15.


Members Resolved that:


a)    Performance in relation to the Wirral District for 2014/15, be noted.


b)    The information contained within the Report and accompanying presentation, be noted.


c)    A report and presentation be provided to a future meeting of the Committee regarding Fire Control and the mobilisation process.



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