Agenda item

West Wirral Operational Response Considerations (Post Consultation)

To consider Report CFO/003/15 of the Chief Fire Officer, concerning options for structural savings to the operation response model for West Wirral in order to deliver the necessary savings to meet the budget assumptions for 2015/16, following the outcomes of the twelve week public consultation regarding the proposed station merger in Wirral (CFO/001/15).



Members considered Report CFO/003/15 of the Chief Fire Officer, concerning the options for structural savings to the operational response model for West Wirral in order to deliver the necessary savings to meet the budget assumptions for 2015/16, following the outcomes of the twelve week public consultation regarding the proposed station merger in Wirral.


The Chief Fire Officer provided a detailed overview of the report and the various options considered therein.


Members were provided with a summary of the financial situation and the requirement to make savings through structural changes to the emergency response model.


The Chief Fire Officer re-iterated that when the number of Firefighters and therefore fire appliances have to reduce as a result of the continued cuts to the Authority budget, there is nothing which can be done to improve performance, meaning that the proposals are those considered to be “least impactive”. In the interest of completeness, the report includes all of the options for savings considered, with an explanation as to why these options were not put forward as proposals. The Chief Fire Officer stated that in his professional opinion, he would recommend that Option 3a be approved.


The operational logic behind the station merger option was detailed to Members. This highlighted the rationale for merging two stations at a central location; and using wholetime firefighters on retained contracts to maintain the availability of the second appliance when required. It also detailed the potential impact upon response times as a result of the proposals.


The Chief Fire Officer then informed Members that following the withdrawal of the Frankby Road site in Greasby, Wirral MBC has made Officers aware of another potential site on Saughall Massie Road. It is the view of the Chief Fire Officer that the new proposed site represents a more optimum location than the Greasby site, however as this site is on Green Belt land, the Authority would need to demonstrate special circumstances in order to obtain planning permission.


The Chief Fire Officer proceeded to show the Authority maps detailing the proposed site; and explained that a report concerning the interim measures during the consultation process will be submitted to the next meeting of the Authority.


Discussion took place around the report with Members from each political party expressing support for recommendation 3a.



Members Resolved that:


1)    In respect of all the available options, due to the Authority seeking to avoid firefighter redundancy using natural turnover; and as a result of current absence and other duties rates, it be noted that there are insufficient available operational personnel to maintain all 28 fire appliances in advance of any structural changes through strategic mergers and station closures being implemented. This will mean that the West Kirby fire appliance will be only be available on a wholetime retained basis for significant periods during the consultation process and will only be staffed on a wholetime basis should sufficient personnel be available.


2)    The Chief Fire Officer be instructed to provide a further report to the Authority dealing with the operational implications of recommendation 1 (above).


 A decision on the closure of West Kirby Fire Station, be deferred

 and twelve weeks’ public consultation (to commence on 2nd March)

 be approved, which will consider the alternative option of:


3)    the closure of West Kirby and Upton fire stations, the building of a new station on Saughall Massie Road and the re-designation of one of the two existing wholetime appliances as “wholetime retained” (with a 30 minute recall), whilst also inviting suggestions for other suitable alternative options


4)    The requirement for Wirral Borough Council (WMBC) to agree to transfer the land on Saughall Massie Road into Authority ownership, prior to any new build on the site, be noted.


5)    In order to establish whether there is potential for the Saughall Massie Road site to be utilised as a location for a new fire station, it be noted that officers have already approached Wirral MBC to request a decision on land transfer. Officers will also need to engage with Wirral planning officers as the proposal relates to building a new community fire station on green belt land. 


6)    Should Wirral MBC agree to transfer the land, it be noted that this would allow the Authority to fully consider the feasibility of the proposal. It also be noted that the approach will ensure that Members are fully informed in relation to the views of the public and the feasibility of building a fire station at that location prior to making any decision.



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