Agenda item
Scrutiny Task & Finish Group
- Meeting of Scrutiny Committee, Thursday, 25th April, 2024 1.00 pm (Item 4.)
- View the background to item 4.
To consider a report of the Monitoring Officer providing an update on the recent Task and Finish Group and to consider any recommendations as appropriate (CFO/24/24).
Monitoring Officer, Ria Groves, fed back to the Committee on the progress of the recent Scrutiny Task and Finish Group on Staff Sickness absence.? It was discussed that there were a high proportion of Musculoskeletal (MSK) injuries which related to long-term sicknesses. ?Members queried the reasons for the high numbers, and it was discussed that it was in part due to increased waiting times with the NHS. Members were informed that the Authority supports staff with the cost of the referral, so that they can be seen quicker.
Ria Groves advised Members that the cost of long-term sickness over the last two years was included within the report. However, it was advised that at the Task and Finish Group Members were assured how the Authority’s budget incorporated the cost.
Members discussed collaborating with other organisations to identify trends on a national level, in particular relating to MSK injuries and the impact on staff employed as Firefighters. Members were informed about the Authority's promotion of Health and Wellbeing, including the Annual Health Awareness Programme and the Health and Wellbeing Network.
Councillor Hanratty highlighted mental health and MSK injuries as key areas of focus. He emphasised the need to address these issues and provide additional support to staff. Members also discussed the impact of the physical impact of a Firefighter’s role and the age profile of firefighters, noting the retirement age had changed. ?
It was suggested for a recommendation to be added for the request for data to be gathered nationally to assess the impact of MSK injuries on staff over the age of 50. Members agreed to raise these concerns with the Local Government Association (LGA) and lobby for action, dependent on the data. ?Councillor Rennie also emphasised the need for the Authority to ensure firefighters have the best retirement possible.
Assistant Chief Fire Officer, Dave Mottram, reassured Members that the Authority is investing heavily in training to assist with the prevention of injuries, including mental health support and fitness programmes. It was advised that trend analysis is conducted to scrutinise every injury and that firefighters have an hour dedicated to fitness every day. The importance of maintaining fitness throughout firefighter’s careers was emphasised along with the steps taken by the Authority to safeguard its staff.
Councillor Wood emphasised how critical it is to put preventative and fitness measures in place for MSK concerns in the early years of a firefighter’s career.
The committee discussed a mixed training plan that featured strength and cardio to ensure that firefighters were functionally fit for their role. The annual fitness test was highlighted as a way of monitoring fitness and as a way to identify issues early on.
Councillor Maloney raised the issue of how to determine if the LGA would scrutinsie this data.
It was highlighted to bring up the matter at the upcoming LGA meeting, and it was proposed to write a letter to the LGA and include copy in the representative chairmen and vice chairs.
Councillor Moloney expressed appreciation for the focus on the health of firefighters and the attitude towards this scrutiny work.?
Members were advised of the visit to Old Swan Fire Station and how impressed Members were with the measures taken and working level to avoid cross-contamination, which would benefit and ensure the health of firefighters was maintained into retirement age.
The level of knowledge displayed by the firefighters on station was commended, and their serious approach to contaminants was praised.
a) the conclusion of the Task and Finish Group into the review of staff sickness absences as detailed in this report be noted.
b) the recommendation to promote the health benefits of walking, cycling, and expanding health promotions to also include diabetes be noted.
c) the recommendation to collaborate nationally on any trends or best practices in managing staff sickness absences (including feedback to the NFCC) be noted.
d) the recommendation for Officers to continue to review the mental health and wellbeing support provided to staff will be noted; and
e) the Monitoring Officer to include the outcomes in any scrutiny annual review will be instructed.
f) a letter be written to the LGA to raise concerns about a link between MSK injuries and the age of firefighters for the LGA to collate data to collate data in relation to that risk.
g) to include Staff Absence information in the Annual Health and Safety Report.
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