Agenda item

Review of Sickness Absence

To consider a presentation on sickness absence at Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority (CFO/03/24).


Director of People, Organisational Development and Legal, Nick Mernock and Health and Wellbeing Manager and Psychotherapist Kelly Patterson presented the item which provided a review of the impact of sickness over the last three years.


The presentation provided Members with an overview of sickness in recent years, noting the different approaches that had been taken to see significant reductions.


Members noted that the main causes of sickness were Covid-19, mental health and musculo-skeletal injuries with the latter increasing.


With regards to ranks, it was explained that there was an even split across most grey book ranks with a slight decrease in absence for Group Managers and Area Managers.


The presentation outlined the Authority’s approach to absence management which started during the employee’s probationary period.


Kelly Patterson presented the health and wellbeing measures in place for the staff including a wide range of support initiatives for those struggling with poor mental health.


The last staff survey had shown that staff were aware of the health and wellbeing support services available to them with 97% of staff voting favourably.


With regards to challenges, it was noted that long waiting times in the NHS had affected long term sickness, and this was true across all local authorities. As an interim measure, the Authority had introduced reasonable adjustments wherein staff could continue to work in an alternate role whilst awaiting treatment.


It was theorised that the introduction of hybrid working had resulted in a reduction in staff absence for green book staff.


In conclusion, the Authority implemented a multifaceted approach to manage sickness and continued to invest significantly in the wellbeing support available for the staff.


Councillor Dave Hanratty suggested that a Panel be convened to further consider this item and it was agreed that a Task and Finish Group would be scheduled before the next Scrutiny Committee.






a)    the performance in relation to sickness absence and the impact on our service delivery be noted ,


b)    the suite of management activities and support in place to reduce and mitigate the impact of sickness absence be noted;


c)    consider and scrutinise the continued suitability of the approaches taken; and


d)    a Task and Finish group be established to consider the item in more depth.


Director of People, Organisational Development and Legal, Nick Mernock and Health and Wellbeing Manager Kelly Patterson presented the item which provided a review of the impact of sickness over the last three years.


The presentation provided Members with an overview of sickness in recent years, noting the different approaches that had been taken to see significant reductions.


Members noted that the main causes of sickness were Covid-19, mental health and musculo-skeletal injuries with the latter increasing.


With regards to ranks, it was explained that there was an even split across most operational ranks with a slight decrease in absence for Group Managers and Area Managers.


The presentation outlined the Authority’s approach to absence management which started during an employee’s probationary period.


Kelly Patterson presented the health and wellbeing measures in place for the staff including a wide range of support initiatives for those struggling with their mental wellbeing.


The last staff survey had shown that staff were aware of the health and wellbeing support services available to them with 97% of staff indicating favourably.


With regards to challenges, it was noted that long waiting times in the NHS had affected long term sickness, and this was true across all local authorities. As an interim measure, the Authority had introduced reasonable adjustments wherein staff could continue to work in an alternate role whilst awaiting treatment.


In conclusion, the Authority implemented a multifaceted approach to manage sickness and continued to invest significantly in the wellbeing support available for the staff.


Councillor Dave Hanratty suggested that further scrutiny would be required to consider this item and it was agreed that a Task and Finish Group would be convened before the next Scrutiny Committee.







a)            the performance in relation to sickness absence and the impact on our service delivery be noted;


b)            the suite of management activities and support in place to reduce and mitigate the impact of sickness absence be noted;


c)            consider and scrutinise the continued suitability of the approaches taken; and


d)            a Task and Finish group be established to consider the item in more depth.




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