Agenda item

Service Delivery Plan 2023-24 Q2 July - September 2023 Update

To consider a report relating to Service Delivery Plan  2023-24 Q2 July - September 2023 Update (Report CFO/055/23)


Chief Fire Officer, Phil Garrigan, presented the Service Delivery Plan Update report for quarter two, providing an overview of performance to date and delivery against the Integrated Risk Management Plan (IRMP) and Functional Plan. 


It was reported that the total number of incidents had been reduced and that this highlighted the excellent prevention work being undertaken across Merseyside. The total number of significant fires had also reduced from 1020 to 842 and accidental dwelling fires had dropped to 316 from 413 in the previous year.


The Chief Fire Officer explained that targeting intervention to highly deprived areas had directly impacted the number of incidents.  It was explained that the prevention strategy sought to ensure that crews visited premises most at risk with an estimated 20% reduction in the number of accidental dwelling fires in 2023.


There had also been a reduction in the number of secondary fires attended and it was agreed that this was in part due to the work undertaken in the community to engage with young people.


Members were advised that the Authority was currently just missing its target of 4% of shifts lost due to sickness (achieving 4.35% at this time) and that the Scrutiny Committee were due to review the Authority’s ambitions at a future meeting.




a)            the attached Service Delivery Plan reports (Appendices A-J) for publication on the website be approved; and


b)            two additional key objectives which have been added to the Protection Functional Plan 2023-24 (Appendix F) be noted:


5.7 Implement protocols for Building Regulations consultations with the Building Safety Regulator, under the new Gateway processes.


5.8 Update/develop procedures in line with legislative changes.

Supporting documents: