Agenda item

Pathway to Net Zero

To consider report CFO/016/23 of the Chief Fire Officer concerning the proposed route map to Net Zero and the details of the governance structure for the implementation and monitoring of the interventions required to meet Net Zero by 2040.



Date of Members considered the report, presented by the Chief Fire Officer, Phil Garrigan, which detailed the interventions required to achieve carbon neutrality by 2040 in line with the ambitions of the Liverpool City Region as approved by the Members.


It was explained that the Authority had worked with a consulting company to look at current arrangements and to provide support to ensure that the route map was robust and suitably ambitious. Cross organisation involvement would be key to delivering change and the report provided a list of next steps that the Authority needed to undertake.


Councillor Makinson noted that there was an opportunity to introduce solar panels on buildings across the MFRA estate and asked the Chief to confirm that charging points for electric vehicles would be available as part of the plan. Members were advised that the Authority would seek to utilise solar more effectively in the future and that formed part of the plan detailed in the report. With regards to electric vehicles, the Chief explained that the Authority was in the process of changing its estate infrastructure to support the utilisation of electric vehicles as well as considering the future of its fleet.


Members were advised that although there were some examples of electric fire engines in the UK, the Authority required more assurance on the pump capability and the performance in terms of response times before it would be able to consider moving to a fully electric fleet.


Councillor Wood suggested working with SPEN on a campaign highlighting safety risks to the public and it was agreed that the responsible officer Group Manager John O’Boyle would ensure that action was undertaken.


The Members discussed electric vehicles and the risks associated with the new technology. Incidents with lithium batteries were becoming more common with a recent fatality resulting from domestic charging of an electric vehicle. The risk was a national issue being explored by the Fire Chief Council to better understand how to manage lithium battery fires. In addition, the Chair advised that this had been on the agenda at the Fire Conference and Members were lobbying to regulate the technology and legislate on the potential dangers of this emerging technology. Members requested an engagement session on emerging technologies in the new municipal year.


The Chief advised that there would be a press release about the route map and that updates would be made available for Members regularly.


Councillor Harry Gorman noted that staff commuting had not been accounted for in the plan and asked why that decision had been taken. The Chief agreed to investigate further and alerted Members to the introduction of hybrid working arrangements which were introduced to limit the cost of living impact on staff and provide more flexible ways of working whilst reducing journeys into work.


Members queried the cycle scheme, which encourages staff to cycle to work and asked whether fire kit prevented any officers from utilising the scheme. It was explained that the majority of kit could be stored at stations and staff were issued with multiple sets of uniform. The Authority supported the initiative and felt it was inclusive for all staff to use.





a)    the contents of the Net Zero route map be noted; and


b)     note the governance structure including the appointment of the deputy Chief Fire Officer as the senior project executive, be noted


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