Agenda item
Scrutiny of Outside Bodies
- Meeting of Scrutiny Committee, Tuesday, 25th April, 2023 1.00 pm (Item 4.)
- View the declarations of interest for item 4.
- View the background to item 4.
To consider report CFO/010/23 and presentation to Members to review the current appointments and affiliations of Outside Bodies of Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority (‘the Authority’).
Members reviewed the current appointments and affiliations to outside bodies and organisations.
Councillor Byrom gave an overview of the Authority’s involvement with the Local Government Association (LGA) and he advised Members that he thought it worked well as a coordinating body for the 46 Fire Authorities in the UK. It was noted that Councillor Rennie was also a Member and meetings had been held online since Covid.
Director of People and Organisational Development, Nick Mernock, briefed Members on the North West Employers Organisation (NWEO), which was a well-respected and well-utilised body in the region. Members were advised that although Councillor Roberts had been appointed at the Annual General Meeting (AGM), there had been no Member involvement with the forum so this was being investigated with an update to be circulated to Members in due course.
With regards to the North West Fire and Rescue Advisory Forum and the Association of Fire and Rescue Authorities, Members were advised that there had not been any meetings in recent times. Councillor Byrom explained that since Greater Manchester had changed its governance, these forums were less necessary, especially as the agenda for the North West had diminished with the focus moving to national funding. It was suggested that these forums could be reactivated if they were needed, but for the time being, they be kept in abeyance.
Members considered the Authority’s involvement with the Growth Platform, noting that membership cost the Authority £4,700 per year. Area Manager, Kevin Longshaw provided Members with further information, explaining that there was a role for Protection to be involved in providing support and guidance to the business community. It also provided the Authority with the ability to communicate with businesses on potential issues before engaging in the prosecution process.
Members discussed the Merseyside Community Safety Partnership (MCSP) and the Safer Merseyside Partnership (SMP) noting that the format of these bodies had evolved in recent time. MCSP sought to address serious violence in England and Wales by working collaboratively across public bodies and Members received an overview of the Authority’s role within the Violence Reduction Unit. It was explained that each Local Authority had its own Community Safety Partnership and the chair of that forum varied was decided by the membership.
Assistant Chief Fire Officer Dave Mottram explained that before Covid, the Police and Crime Commissioner had introduced the Safer Merseyside Partnership but since the pandemic there had been some changes. Historically the Chief Fire Officer would attend on behalf of the Authority and it was noted that the PCC had since joined the Authority as a co-opted Member..
Members discussed the Authority’s relationship with the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority (LCRCA) and it was noted that MFRA would be invited to any meeting that was relevant for the fire service, though it was envisioned this would be a rarity given the scope and remit of the LCRCA.
It was agreed that an update be provided to the Members at the Annual General Meeting.
Councillor Les Byrom left the meeting at 13:53
a) the contents of the report and the presentation be noted;
b) the current Membership and appointment to Outside Bodies be noted; and
c) updates on the Growth Platform, North West Employers Organisation and Safer Merseyside Partnership be provided at the Annual General Meeting on the 8th June.
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