Agenda and minutes
Venue: Temporary Meeting Room. View directions
Contact: Kelly Johnson, Democratic Services Manager Email:
No. | Item |
Preliminary Matters Members are requested to consider the identification of:
a) declarations of interest by individual Members in relation to any item of business on the Agenda
b) any additional items of business which the Chair has determined should be considered as matters of urgency; and
c) items of business which may require the exclusion of the press and public during consideration thereof because of the possibility of the disclosure of exempt information.
Minutes: Members considered the identification of declarations of interest, any urgent additional items, and any business that may require the exclusion of the press and public.
Resolved that:
a) no declarations of interest were made by individual Members in relation to any item of business on the Agenda
b) no additional items of business to be considered as matters of urgency were determined by the Chair; and
c) no items of business required the exclusion of the press and public during consideration thereof because of the possibility of the disclosure of exempt information.
Minutes of Previous Meeting PDF 29 KB The Minutes of the Previous Meeting, held on 02 December 2014 are submitted for approval as a correct record and for signature by the committee chair. Minutes: The Minutes of the Previous Meeting, held on 2nd December 2014 were approved as a correct record and signed accordingly by the committee chair.
Industrial Relations Update PDF 59 KB Report CFO/023/15 of the Deputy Chief Fire Officer concerning an update to Industrial Relations between Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority and representative bodies. Additional documents:
Minutes: Members considered report CFO/023/15 of the Deputy Chief Fire Officer concerning an update to Industrial Relations and matters of consultation and negotiation between Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority and representative bodies.
Members were provided with an overview of the report which highlighted the following areas of progress:
The Chair invited trade union representatives to comment.
The FBU highlighted the massive amount of work that has gone into agreeing the Service Instructions, which will be the subject of a forthcoming Learning Lunch. They commented on the significant changes to the Service as a result of the cuts to local government grants. The FBU emphasised the importance of staff having a choice in relation to insufficient take-up of the 24hr shifts in Liverpool. They confirmed that there was positive dialogue ongoing surrounding AVH and they were looking at a range of proposals to maintain appliance availability.
Members of the committee congratulated everyone involved in the recent consultations and negotiations, highlighting how achieving wholetime retained is part of the vision of the Authority going forward. Members further applauded Trade Unions and Officers for making the choice to put people first, in particular the courage needed to negotiate through difficult issues rather than standing still or walking away.
The Committee placed on record it's thanks to all involved: Representative bodies, officers and staff; and the commitment to protecting the frontline, including prevention and protection, and all the Service.
Resolved that: