Issue - meetings
Service Delivery Plan 2020/21
Meeting: 21/05/2020 - Authority (Item 5)
5 Service Delivery Plan 2020/21 PDF 86 KB
To consider Report CFO/0015/20 of the Chief Fire Officer, concerning the Service Delivery Plan for 2020/21; including Station Plans.
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1: Service Delivery Plan 2020/21, item 5 PDF 2 MB
- Appendix 2: Final Station Plans 2020-21, item 5 PDF 1 MB
Members considered Report CFO/015/20 of the Chief Fire Officer, concerning approval of the Service Delivery Plan 2020/21, including Station Plans.
Members were provided with an overview of the report, which highlighted that the Service Delivery Plan includes references to the IRMP action plan, Functional Plan, Station Plans, Equality Objectives and Performance Indicators.
Members were informed that this report utilises estimates in relation to year end performance against the benchmark performance indicators.
Members attention was drawn to the Station Plans, contained within the Service Delivery Plan, with it highlighted that this year is the first year that each station has been provided with a Community Impact fund of £1000, generated through the external utilisation of our stations by private partners; and some corporate sponsorship. Members were informed that the purpose of this fund is to enable staff to utilise it to assist in the delivery of their Station Plans, to better assist the communities they serve. However, it was noted that this has been restricted somewhat at present, due to Covid -19.
Members were advised that performance to date is very strong; and on target to achieve the targets set in all but a few areas.
Members were informed that it is looking likely that MFRA will miss the target set in relation to the number of RTC’s and the number of fatalities on the road. Members were advised that MFRA’s focus has been particularly on young drivers, between the ages of 16 to 25, were some of MFRA’s educational material has been really focused. However, the missing of the target relates to all RTC’s and fatalities on the road, which means that some of the impact is within MFRA’s gift to influence; and some of it less so. As such, Members were advised that for next year, they are likely to be asked to consider changed targets that will reflect the work which is being undertaken in that area.
Members were advised that another area were the target is likely to be missed, is in relation to sickness absence, which self-evidently includes data in relation to Covid-19. However, Members were reassured that based on most recent figures, it is likely that the target will only just be missed; and without the issues related to Covid-19, it is likely that the target would have been achieved.
Members were advised that the report also details the IRMP actions and Equality and Diversity Objectives and action taken; and concludes with the Service Delivery Plan and Station Plans, which are bespoke to each individual Station area, focusing on specific risks and vulnerabilities.
The Chair of the Authority commented on the quality of the documents and expressed thanks on behalf of the Authority, to everyone involved in the delivery of the plans.
Questions were raised by Members regarding the IRMP and whether anything had changed within the IRMP as a result of Covid-19 response, in particular around the tri-partite agreement and added work streams; and whether the usual negotiation processes had been followed.
Members were ... view the full minutes text for item 5