Issue - meetings
HMICFRS Self Asessment 2020
Meeting: 21/05/2020 - Authority (Item 7)
7 HMICFRS Self AssessmentSelf-Assessment 2020 PDF 69 KB
To consider Report CFO/014/20 of the Chief Fire Officer, concerning the content of the completed HMICFRS inspection self-assessment template for Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service (appendix 1).
Additional documents:
Members considered Report CFO/014/20 of the Chief Fire Officer, concerning the content of the completed HMICFRS inspection self-assessment template for Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service (appendix 1).
Members were provided with an overview of the report, and it was highlighted that the self-assessment was completed earlier in the year as a pre-cursor to the intended inspection, prior to the cessation of the inspection programme due to Covid-19.
Members were informed that MFRA are yet to receive an indication as to if and when the inspections programme will recommence.
Members were advised of the intention to re-submit a revised self-assessment, which will include some additional information reflecting the past number of weeks.
Members were also informed that it has been indicated that future inspections may be thematic; and may focus on business continuity arrangements put in place by services, in response to Covid-19. Members were advised that if this was to be the case, MFRA is likely to be in a strong position, however it would result in a revised self-assessment being required.
The Chair of the Authority commented on the information contained within the self-assessment document, which clearly shows how MFRA has developed and moved forward since the last inspection, which is very positive.
Members Resolved that:
1. The 2020 HMICFRS inspection self-assessment prepared by the Chief Fire Officer and submitted to HMICFRS as part of round two of the inspection process, be noted.
2. It also be noted that the self-assessment was produced and submitted earlier in the year as a precursor to the Inspection of the Service and before the cessation of the Inspection process due to COVID19.