Issue - meetings

Forward Work Plan

Meeting: 17/03/2016 - Performance & Scrutiny Committee (Item 6)

6 Standing Item: Forward Work Plan pdf icon PDF 64 KB

To evaluate the questions for scrutiny contained in the forward work plan and consider;


a)    Any feedback from Members and Lead Members on the scrutiny work they are currently involved in, and

b)    Any scrutiny questions that Members feel should be dealt with under a different priority, and

c)    Any questions that Members feel should be added to the forward work plan and the priority of that same question.


Members considered the Forward Work Plan for the Performance & Scrutiny Committee for 2015/16 and reviewed the outstanding scrutiny review items.


With regards to the scrutiny review concerning the effectiveness of our Consultation Process; Members were informed that this had been on hold, pending the outcome of an Internal Audit review. However it was hoped that Officers would be in a position to bring this item back to the next meeting of the Committee.


Members were informed that following a recent request by Members, Officers may be in a position to bring a report to the next meeting of the Committee concerning the Emergency Medical Response Trial, subject to sufficient information/ data being available.


Discussion took place regarding the possibility of inviting representatives of partner agencies to future meetings to provide input to the Committee.

Members were informed that they would look into this.


Members Resolved that:


a)    The following items be submitted to the next meeting of the Committee on 19th May 2016:


·         How effective is our Consultation Process? (subject to available information)

·         Implementation of new HR Policies

·         Environmental Performance

·         Review of the Emergency Medical Response Trial (subject to available information)


b)    Officers look into the possibility of inviting representatives from partner agencies to attend future meetings of the Committee to provide input.



Meeting: 12/01/2016 - Performance & Scrutiny Committee (Item 6)

6 Standing Item: Forward Work Plan pdf icon PDF 63 KB

To consider the updated Forward Work Plan and evaluate the questions for scrutiny contained within, considering;


a)    Any feedback from Members and Lead Members on the scrutiny work they are currently involved in, and

b)    Any scrutiny questions that Members feel should be dealt with under a different priority, and

c)    Any questions that Members feel should be added to the forward work plan and the priority of that same question.


Members considered the updated Forward Work Plan for the Performance & Scrutiny Committee; and the items due to be reported to the next meeting of the Committee on 17th March, were highlighted as follows:


·         Fire Control and the Mobilisation Process

·         Implementation of the Management Review (including impact on Partnership Arrangements)

·         How effective is our Consultation Process?

·         Implementation of New HR Policies

·         Environmental Performance


In relation to “How Effective is our Consultation Process?” - Members were informed that a significant amount of consultation has been undertaken recently, which has now concluded. An audit of our consultation processes has formed part of the Annual Internal Audit Plan; therefore this will be reported back to Members once the Internal Audit Report has been received.


Members requested that an additional item be added to the Forward Work Plan, to scrutinise and review the Emergency Medical Response Pilot.


Members were informed that the pilot is due to commence shortly, therefore it was suggested that this item be carried over to next year’s Plan, to be reported on once there is sufficient data to do so.


Members confirmed that they were happy with the updated Forward Work Plan; and noted the reports for submission to the next meeting of the Performance & Scrutiny Committee on 17th March 2016.